version 2024.5 / made 2024.06.06 / Ubuntu 20.04
M. Barnas-Pomeroy
Mary Barnas-Pomeroy

There were 392 illustrations found for M. Barnas-Pomeroy

2460655 952460 Sisyrinchium langloisii Greene
M. Barnas-Pomeroy, C.F.J. Barnas, Wildflowers and landscapes of Ecuador - The way we knew it fasicle App., : t. 1 (2014) [M. Barnas-Pomeroy]
2458526 13918 Acmella oppositifolia (Lam.) R.K.Jansen [125 68183 Anthemis oppositifolia Lam.]
M. Barnas-Pomeroy, C.F.J. Barnas, Wildflowers and landscapes of Ecuador - The way we knew it fasicle YG, : t. 1 (2014) [M. Barnas-Pomeroy]
2458926 405288 Erycina pusilla (L.) N.H.Williams & M.W.Chase [125 387429 Epidendrum pusillum L.]
M. Barnas-Pomeroy, C.F.J. Barnas, Wildflowers and landscapes of Ecuador - The way we knew it fasicle R, : t. 1 (2014) [M. Barnas-Pomeroy]
M. Barnas-Pomeroy, C.F.J. Barnas, Wildflowers and landscapes of Ecuador - The way we knew it fasicle B, : t. 1 (2014) [M. Barnas-Pomeroy]
2459275 367315 Dyssodia papposa (Vent.) Hitchc. [116 995223 Tagetes papposa Vent.]
M. Barnas-Pomeroy, C.F.J. Barnas, Wildflowers and landscapes of Ecuador - The way we knew it fasicle G, : t. 1 (2014) [M. Barnas-Pomeroy]
2459405 952460 Sisyrinchium langloisii Greene
M. Barnas-Pomeroy, C.F.J. Barnas, Wildflowers and landscapes of Ecuador - The way we knew it fasicle P, : t. 1 (2014) [M. Barnas-Pomeroy]
2459835 1226232 Trihesperus latifolius (Kunth) Herb. [116 775206 Phalangium latifolium Kunth]
M. Barnas-Pomeroy, C.F.J. Barnas, Wildflowers and landscapes of Ecuador - The way we knew it fasicle S, : t. 1 (2014) [M. Barnas-Pomeroy]
M. Barnas-Pomeroy, C.F.J. Barnas, Wildflowers and landscapes of Ecuador - The way we knew it fasicle Fungi, : t. 1 (2014) [M. Barnas-Pomeroy]
2459942 584457 Lantana rugulosa Kunth
M. Barnas-Pomeroy, C.F.J. Barnas, Wildflowers and landscapes of Ecuador - The way we knew it fasicle DG, : t. 1 (2014) [M. Barnas-Pomeroy]
2460362 957388 Solanum nigrum L.
M. Barnas-Pomeroy, C.F.J. Barnas, Wildflowers and landscapes of Ecuador - The way we knew it fasicle App., : t. 2 (2014) [M. Barnas-Pomeroy]
2458532 449620 Galinsoga ciliata (Raf.) S.F.Blake [0]
M. Barnas-Pomeroy, C.F.J. Barnas, Wildflowers and landscapes of Ecuador - The way we knew it fasicle YG, : t. 2 (2014) [M. Barnas-Pomeroy]
2458935 405278 Erycina crista-galli (Rchb.f.) N.H.Williams & M.W.Chase [116 713449 Oncidium crista-galli Rchb.f.]
M. Barnas-Pomeroy, C.F.J. Barnas, Wildflowers and landscapes of Ecuador - The way we knew it fasicle R, : t. 2 (2014) [M. Barnas-Pomeroy]
M. Barnas-Pomeroy, C.F.J. Barnas, Wildflowers and landscapes of Ecuador - The way we knew it fasicle B, : t. 2 (2014) [M. Barnas-Pomeroy]
2459282 995267 Tagetes terniflora Kunth
M. Barnas-Pomeroy, C.F.J. Barnas, Wildflowers and landscapes of Ecuador - The way we knew it fasicle G, : t. 2 (2014) [M. Barnas-Pomeroy]
2459412 547133 Hypoxis hirsuta (L.) Cov. [80 725632 Ornithogalum hirsutum L.]
M. Barnas-Pomeroy, C.F.J. Barnas, Wildflowers and landscapes of Ecuador - The way we knew it fasicle P, : t. 2 (2014) [M. Barnas-Pomeroy]
2459842 952705 Sisyrinchium tinctorium Kunth
M. Barnas-Pomeroy, C.F.J. Barnas, Wildflowers and landscapes of Ecuador - The way we knew it fasicle S, : t. 2 (2014) [M. Barnas-Pomeroy]
M. Barnas-Pomeroy, C.F.J. Barnas, Wildflowers and landscapes of Ecuador - The way we knew it fasicle Fungi, : t. 2 (2014) [M. Barnas-Pomeroy]
2459952 13073 Achyrophorus quitensis Sch.Bip.
M. Barnas-Pomeroy, C.F.J. Barnas, Wildflowers and landscapes of Ecuador - The way we knew it fasicle DG, : t. 2 (2014) [M. Barnas-Pomeroy]
2460661 142360 Bidens humilis Kunth
M. Barnas-Pomeroy, C.F.J. Barnas, Wildflowers and landscapes of Ecuador - The way we knew it fasicle App., : t. 2bis (2014) [M. Barnas-Pomeroy]
2460372 141880 Bidens alausensis Kunth
M. Barnas-Pomeroy, C.F.J. Barnas, Wildflowers and landscapes of Ecuador - The way we knew it fasicle App., : t. 3 (2014) [M. Barnas-Pomeroy]
2458542 1058993 Veronica persica Poiret
M. Barnas-Pomeroy, C.F.J. Barnas, Wildflowers and landscapes of Ecuador - The way we knew it fasicle YG, : t. 3 (2014) [M. Barnas-Pomeroy]
M. Barnas-Pomeroy, C.F.J. Barnas, Wildflowers and landscapes of Ecuador - The way we knew it fasicle R, : t. 3 (2014) [M. Barnas-Pomeroy]
2459182 160612 Browallia speciosa Hook.
M. Barnas-Pomeroy, C.F.J. Barnas, Wildflowers and landscapes of Ecuador - The way we knew it fasicle B, : t. 3 (2014) [M. Barnas-Pomeroy]
2459291 231531 Chaptalia nutans (L.) Polák [125 1040462 Tussilago nutans L.]
M. Barnas-Pomeroy, C.F.J. Barnas, Wildflowers and landscapes of Ecuador - The way we knew it fasicle G, : t. 3 (2014) [M. Barnas-Pomeroy]
2459422 952512 Sisyrinchium micranthum Cav.
M. Barnas-Pomeroy, C.F.J. Barnas, Wildflowers and landscapes of Ecuador - The way we knew it fasicle P, : t. 3 (2014) [M. Barnas-Pomeroy]
M. Barnas-Pomeroy, C.F.J. Barnas, Wildflowers and landscapes of Ecuador - The way we knew it fasicle S, : t. 3 (2014) [M. Barnas-Pomeroy]
M. Barnas-Pomeroy, C.F.J. Barnas, Wildflowers and landscapes of Ecuador - The way we knew it fasicle Fungi, : t. 3 (2014) [M. Barnas-Pomeroy]
2459962 365809 Duranta triacantha Juss.
M. Barnas-Pomeroy, C.F.J. Barnas, Wildflowers and landscapes of Ecuador - The way we knew it fasicle DG, : t. 3 (2014) [M. Barnas-Pomeroy]
2458556 650141 Mecardonia procumbens (Miller) Small [125 399008 Erinus procumbens Miller]
M. Barnas-Pomeroy, C.F.J. Barnas, Wildflowers and landscapes of Ecuador - The way we knew it fasicle YG, : t. 4 (2014) [M. Barnas-Pomeroy]
2458956 973879 Stelis ciliaris Lindl.
M. Barnas-Pomeroy, C.F.J. Barnas, Wildflowers and landscapes of Ecuador - The way we knew it fasicle R, : t. 4 (2014) [M. Barnas-Pomeroy]
M. Barnas-Pomeroy, C.F.J. Barnas, Wildflowers and landscapes of Ecuador - The way we knew it fasicle B, : t. 4 (2014) [M. Barnas-Pomeroy]
2459301 995226 Tagetes patula L.
M. Barnas-Pomeroy, C.F.J. Barnas, Wildflowers and landscapes of Ecuador - The way we knew it fasicle G, : t. 4 (2014) [M. Barnas-Pomeroy]
24594312 1146288 Ennealophus foliosus (Kunth) Ravenna [12 1146288 Ennealophus foliosus (Kunth) Ravenna]
M. Barnas-Pomeroy, C.F.J. Barnas, Wildflowers and landscapes of Ecuador - The way we knew it fasicle P, : t. 4 (2014) [M. Barnas-Pomeroy]
2459862 801543 Pitcairnia pungens Kunth
M. Barnas-Pomeroy, C.F.J. Barnas, Wildflowers and landscapes of Ecuador - The way we knew it fasicle S, : t. 4 (2014) [M. Barnas-Pomeroy]
M. Barnas-Pomeroy, C.F.J. Barnas, Wildflowers and landscapes of Ecuador - The way we knew it fasicle Fungi, : t. 4 (2014) [M. Barnas-Pomeroy]
2459972 177967 Calceolaria hyssopifolia Kunth
M. Barnas-Pomeroy, C.F.J. Barnas, Wildflowers and landscapes of Ecuador - The way we knew it fasicle DG, : t. 4 (2014) [M. Barnas-Pomeroy]
2458566 1064316 Viola dombeyana DC.
M. Barnas-Pomeroy, C.F.J. Barnas, Wildflowers and landscapes of Ecuador - The way we knew it fasicle YG, : t. 5 (2014) [M. Barnas-Pomeroy]
2458966 884490 Rodriguezia lanceolata Ruiz & Pavon
M. Barnas-Pomeroy, C.F.J. Barnas, Wildflowers and landscapes of Ecuador - The way we knew it fasicle R, : t. 5 (2014) [M. Barnas-Pomeroy]
2459206 577994 Kohleria affinis (Fritsch) Roalson & Boggan [125 190985 Capanea affinis Fritsch]
M. Barnas-Pomeroy, C.F.J. Barnas, Wildflowers and landscapes of Ecuador - The way we knew it fasicle B, : t. 5 (2014) [M. Barnas-Pomeroy]
2459312 995214 Tagetes multiflora Kunth
M. Barnas-Pomeroy, C.F.J. Barnas, Wildflowers and landscapes of Ecuador - The way we knew it fasicle G, : t. 5 (2014) [M. Barnas-Pomeroy]
24594412 56899 Anagallis arvensis L.
M. Barnas-Pomeroy, C.F.J. Barnas, Wildflowers and landscapes of Ecuador - The way we knew it fasicle P, : t. 5 (2014) [M. Barnas-Pomeroy]
2459872 957121 Solanum marginatum L.f.
M. Barnas-Pomeroy, C.F.J. Barnas, Wildflowers and landscapes of Ecuador - The way we knew it fasicle S, : t. 5 (2014) [M. Barnas-Pomeroy]
M. Barnas-Pomeroy, C.F.J. Barnas, Wildflowers and landscapes of Ecuador - The way we knew it fasicle Fungi, : t. 5 (2014) [M. Barnas-Pomeroy]
2459981 177780 Calceolaria crenata Lam.
M. Barnas-Pomeroy, C.F.J. Barnas, Wildflowers and landscapes of Ecuador - The way we knew it fasicle DG, : t. 5 (2014) [M. Barnas-Pomeroy]
2458576 540223 Hybanthus parviflorus (L.f.) Baillon [125 1065288 Viola parviflora L.f.]
M. Barnas-Pomeroy, C.F.J. Barnas, Wildflowers and landscapes of Ecuador - The way we knew it fasicle YG, : t. 6 (2014) [M. Barnas-Pomeroy]
2458972 212635 Catasetum macrocarpum Rich. ex Kunth
M. Barnas-Pomeroy, C.F.J. Barnas, Wildflowers and landscapes of Ecuador - The way we knew it fasicle R, : t. 6 (2014) [M. Barnas-Pomeroy]
2459212 221388 Centropogon cornutus (L.) Druce [80 614602 Lobelia cornuta L.]
M. Barnas-Pomeroy, C.F.J. Barnas, Wildflowers and landscapes of Ecuador - The way we knew it fasicle B, : t. 6 (2014) [M. Barnas-Pomeroy]
24593216 141881 Bidens alba (L.) DC. [181 142434 Bidens leucantha Meyen & Walp.]
M. Barnas-Pomeroy, C.F.J. Barnas, Wildflowers and landscapes of Ecuador - The way we knew it fasicle G, : t. 6 (2014) [M. Barnas-Pomeroy]
2459456 1231163 Zeltnera quitensis (Kunth) G.Mans. [125 407022 Erythraea quitensis Kunth]
M. Barnas-Pomeroy, C.F.J. Barnas, Wildflowers and landscapes of Ecuador - The way we knew it fasicle P, : t. 6 (2014) [M. Barnas-Pomeroy]
M. Barnas-Pomeroy, C.F.J. Barnas, Wildflowers and landscapes of Ecuador - The way we knew it fasicle Fungi, : t. 6 (2014) [M. Barnas-Pomeroy]
2459995 211595 Castilleja fissifolia L.f.
M. Barnas-Pomeroy, C.F.J. Barnas, Wildflowers and landscapes of Ecuador - The way we knew it fasicle DG, : t. 6 (2014) [M. Barnas-Pomeroy]
2458582 178369 Calceolaria tripartita Ruiz & Pavon
M. Barnas-Pomeroy, C.F.J. Barnas, Wildflowers and landscapes of Ecuador - The way we knew it fasicle YG, : t. 7 (2014) [M. Barnas-Pomeroy]
2458986 681330 Mormolyca rufescens (Lindl.) M.A.Blanco [125 649186 Maxillaria rufescens Lindl.]
M. Barnas-Pomeroy, C.F.J. Barnas, Wildflowers and landscapes of Ecuador - The way we knew it fasicle R, : t. 7 (2014) [M. Barnas-Pomeroy]
2459222 221712 Centropogon subandinus Zahlbr.
M. Barnas-Pomeroy, C.F.J. Barnas, Wildflowers and landscapes of Ecuador - The way we knew it fasicle B, : t. 7 (2014) [M. Barnas-Pomeroy]
2459331 142360 Bidens humilis Kunth
M. Barnas-Pomeroy, C.F.J. Barnas, Wildflowers and landscapes of Ecuador - The way we knew it fasicle G, : t. 7 (2014) [M. Barnas-Pomeroy]
2459462 643277 Margyricarpus setosus Ruiz & Pavon
M. Barnas-Pomeroy, C.F.J. Barnas, Wildflowers and landscapes of Ecuador - The way we knew it fasicle P, : t. 7 (2014) [M. Barnas-Pomeroy]
2460006 211938 Castilleja scorzonerifolia Kunth
M. Barnas-Pomeroy, C.F.J. Barnas, Wildflowers and landscapes of Ecuador - The way we knew it fasicle DG, : t. 7 (2014) [M. Barnas-Pomeroy]
2458596 178064 Calceolaria mexicana Benth.
M. Barnas-Pomeroy, C.F.J. Barnas, Wildflowers and landscapes of Ecuador - The way we knew it fasicle YG, : t. 8 (2014) [M. Barnas-Pomeroy]
2458996 386521 Epidendrum ibaguense Kunth
M. Barnas-Pomeroy, C.F.J. Barnas, Wildflowers and landscapes of Ecuador - The way we knew it fasicle R, : t. 8 (2014) [M. Barnas-Pomeroy]
24592335 411972 Eucrosia aurantiaca (Baker) Traub [122180501 Callipsyche aurantiaca Baker]
M. Barnas-Pomeroy, C.F.J. Barnas, Wildflowers and landscapes of Ecuador - The way we knew it fasicle B, : t. 8 (2014) [M. Barnas-Pomeroy]
24593458 141881 Bidens alba (L.) DC. [80 142643 Bidens pilosa L.]
M. Barnas-Pomeroy, C.F.J. Barnas, Wildflowers and landscapes of Ecuador - The way we knew it fasicle G, : t. 8 (2014) [M. Barnas-Pomeroy]
2459472 629435 Lysimachia vulgaris L.
M. Barnas-Pomeroy, C.F.J. Barnas, Wildflowers and landscapes of Ecuador - The way we knew it fasicle P, : t. 8 (2014) [M. Barnas-Pomeroy]
2460012 45077 Alonsoa lactea Astholm
M. Barnas-Pomeroy, C.F.J. Barnas, Wildflowers and landscapes of Ecuador - The way we knew it fasicle DG, : t. 8 (2014) [M. Barnas-Pomeroy]
2458605 178369 Calceolaria tripartita Ruiz & Pavon
M. Barnas-Pomeroy, C.F.J. Barnas, Wildflowers and landscapes of Ecuador - The way we knew it fasicle YG, : t. 9 (2014) [M. Barnas-Pomeroy]
2459006 846331 Psychopsis papilio (Lindl.) H.G.Jones [125 714118 Oncidium papilio Lindl.]
M. Barnas-Pomeroy, C.F.J. Barnas, Wildflowers and landscapes of Ecuador - The way we knew it fasicle R, : t. 9 (2014) [M. Barnas-Pomeroy]
2459241 134019 Begonia foliosa Kunth
M. Barnas-Pomeroy, C.F.J. Barnas, Wildflowers and landscapes of Ecuador - The way we knew it fasicle B, : t. 9 (2014) [M. Barnas-Pomeroy]
M. Barnas-Pomeroy, C.F.J. Barnas, Wildflowers and landscapes of Ecuador - The way we knew it fasicle G, : t. 9 (2014) [M. Barnas-Pomeroy]
2459482 1279432 Anoda prostrata M. Barnas-Pomeroy
M. Barnas-Pomeroy, C.F.J. Barnas, Wildflowers and landscapes of Ecuador - The way we knew it fasicle P, : t. 9 (2014) [M. Barnas-Pomeroy]
2460022 45088 Alonsoa meridionalis (L.f.) Kuntze [80 925975 Scrophularia meridionalis L.f.]
M. Barnas-Pomeroy, C.F.J. Barnas, Wildflowers and landscapes of Ecuador - The way we knew it fasicle DG, : t. 9 (2014) [M. Barnas-Pomeroy]
2458612 178298 Calceolaria serrata Lam.
M. Barnas-Pomeroy, C.F.J. Barnas, Wildflowers and landscapes of Ecuador - The way we knew it fasicle YG, : t. 10 (2014) [M. Barnas-Pomeroy]
2459012 649167 Maxillaria ringens Rchb.f.
M. Barnas-Pomeroy, C.F.J. Barnas, Wildflowers and landscapes of Ecuador - The way we knew it fasicle R, : t. 10 (2014) [M. Barnas-Pomeroy]
2459256 1046613 Utricularia endresii Rchb. f. [0]
M. Barnas-Pomeroy, C.F.J. Barnas, Wildflowers and landscapes of Ecuador - The way we knew it fasicle B, : t. 10 (2014) [M. Barnas-Pomeroy]
2459361 271599 Conyza gnaphalioides Kunth
M. Barnas-Pomeroy, C.F.J. Barnas, Wildflowers and landscapes of Ecuador - The way we knew it fasicle G, : t. 10 (2014) [M. Barnas-Pomeroy]
2459492 944243 Sida acuta Burm.f.
M. Barnas-Pomeroy, C.F.J. Barnas, Wildflowers and landscapes of Ecuador - The way we knew it fasicle P, : t. 10 (2014) [M. Barnas-Pomeroy]
24600312 214349 Cavendishia tarapotana Benth. & Hook.f. [80 214227 Cavendishia gilgiana Hoerold]
M. Barnas-Pomeroy, C.F.J. Barnas, Wildflowers and landscapes of Ecuador - The way we knew it fasicle DG, : t. 10 (2014) [M. Barnas-Pomeroy]
2460382 822683 Polygonum hyssopifolium Bojer
M. Barnas-Pomeroy, C.F.J. Barnas, Wildflowers and landscapes of Ecuador - The way we knew it fasicle App., : t. 11 (2014) [M. Barnas-Pomeroy]
2458622 221388 Centropogon cornutus (L.) Druce [80 614602 Lobelia cornuta L.]
M. Barnas-Pomeroy, C.F.J. Barnas, Wildflowers and landscapes of Ecuador - The way we knew it fasicle YG, : t. 11 (2014) [M. Barnas-Pomeroy]
2459026 213880 Caucaea nubigena (Lindl.) N.H.Williams & M.W.Chase [125 714048 Oncidium nubigenum Lindl.]
M. Barnas-Pomeroy, C.F.J. Barnas, Wildflowers and landscapes of Ecuador - The way we knew it fasicle R, : t. 11 (2014) [M. Barnas-Pomeroy]
2459266 446179 Fuchsia macrostigma Benth.
M. Barnas-Pomeroy, C.F.J. Barnas, Wildflowers and landscapes of Ecuador - The way we knew it fasicle B, : t. 11 (2014) [M. Barnas-Pomeroy]
2459376 1030836 Tridax angustifolia Spruce ex Benth. & Hook.f.
M. Barnas-Pomeroy, C.F.J. Barnas, Wildflowers and landscapes of Ecuador - The way we knew it fasicle G, : t. 11 (2014) [M. Barnas-Pomeroy]
2459502 710637 Oenothera tetraptera Cav.
M. Barnas-Pomeroy, C.F.J. Barnas, Wildflowers and landscapes of Ecuador - The way we knew it fasicle P, : t. 11 (2014) [M. Barnas-Pomeroy]
2460042 583073 Lamourouxia virgata Kunth
M. Barnas-Pomeroy, C.F.J. Barnas, Wildflowers and landscapes of Ecuador - The way we knew it fasicle DG, : t. 11 (2014) [M. Barnas-Pomeroy]
2460392 685498 Myosotis grandiflora Kunth
M. Barnas-Pomeroy, C.F.J. Barnas, Wildflowers and landscapes of Ecuador - The way we knew it fasicle App., : t. 12 (2014) [M. Barnas-Pomeroy]
2458636 469370 Gloxinia perennis (L.) Druce [125 645386 Martynia perennis L.]
M. Barnas-Pomeroy, C.F.J. Barnas, Wildflowers and landscapes of Ecuador - The way we knew it fasicle YG, : t. 12 (2014) [M. Barnas-Pomeroy]
2459031 379632 Elleanthus capitatus (Poeppig & Endl.) Rchb.f. [181 427685 Evelyna capitata Poeppig & Endl.]
M. Barnas-Pomeroy, C.F.J. Barnas, Wildflowers and landscapes of Ecuador - The way we knew it fasicle R, : t. 12 (2014) [M. Barnas-Pomeroy]
2459382 716031 Onoseris hyssopifolia Kunth
M. Barnas-Pomeroy, C.F.J. Barnas, Wildflowers and landscapes of Ecuador - The way we knew it fasicle G, : t. 12 (2014) [M. Barnas-Pomeroy]
2459512 710682 Oenothera virgata Ruiz & Pavon
M. Barnas-Pomeroy, C.F.J. Barnas, Wildflowers and landscapes of Ecuador - The way we knew it fasicle P, : t. 12 (2014) [M. Barnas-Pomeroy]
2460056 710010 Oenothera epilobiifolia Kunth
M. Barnas-Pomeroy, C.F.J. Barnas, Wildflowers and landscapes of Ecuador - The way we knew it fasicle DG, : t. 12 (2014) [M. Barnas-Pomeroy]
M. Barnas-Pomeroy, C.F.J. Barnas, Wildflowers and landscapes of Ecuador - The way we knew it fasicle YG, : t. 13 (2014) [M. Barnas-Pomeroy]
M. Barnas-Pomeroy, C.F.J. Barnas, Wildflowers and landscapes of Ecuador - The way we knew it fasicle R, : t. 13 (2014) [M. Barnas-Pomeroy]
2459395 1062507 Viguiera sodiroi (Hieron.) S.F.Blake [116 501161 Helianthus sodiroi Hieron.]
M. Barnas-Pomeroy, C.F.J. Barnas, Wildflowers and landscapes of Ecuador - The way we knew it fasicle G, : t. 13 (2014) [M. Barnas-Pomeroy]
2459526 710312 Oenothera nocturna Jacq.
M. Barnas-Pomeroy, C.F.J. Barnas, Wildflowers and landscapes of Ecuador - The way we knew it fasicle P, : t. 13 (2014) [M. Barnas-Pomeroy]
2460066 867876 Ranunculus praemorsus Kunth ex DC.
M. Barnas-Pomeroy, C.F.J. Barnas, Wildflowers and landscapes of Ecuador - The way we knew it fasicle DG, : t. 13 (2014) [M. Barnas-Pomeroy]
2458652 74308 Aphelandra aurantiaca (Scheidw.) Lindl. [0]
M. Barnas-Pomeroy, C.F.J. Barnas, Wildflowers and landscapes of Ecuador - The way we knew it fasicle YG, : t. 14 (2014) [M. Barnas-Pomeroy]
2459052 387638 Epidendrum secundum Jacq.
M. Barnas-Pomeroy, C.F.J. Barnas, Wildflowers and landscapes of Ecuador - The way we knew it fasicle R, : t. 14 (2014) [M. Barnas-Pomeroy]
2459532 461939 Geranium chilloense Willd. ex Kunth
M. Barnas-Pomeroy, C.F.J. Barnas, Wildflowers and landscapes of Ecuador - The way we knew it fasicle P, : t. 14 (2014) [M. Barnas-Pomeroy]
2460076 355996 Dorobaea pimpinellifolia (Kunth) B.Nord. [125 937361 Senecio pimpinellifolius Kunth]
M. Barnas-Pomeroy, C.F.J. Barnas, Wildflowers and landscapes of Ecuador - The way we knew it fasicle DG, : t. 14 (2014) [M. Barnas-Pomeroy]
2458662 678878 Monolena primuliflora Hook.f.
M. Barnas-Pomeroy, C.F.J. Barnas, Wildflowers and landscapes of Ecuador - The way we knew it fasicle YG, : t. 15 (2014) [M. Barnas-Pomeroy]
M. Barnas-Pomeroy, C.F.J. Barnas, Wildflowers and landscapes of Ecuador - The way we knew it fasicle R, : t. 15 (2014) [M. Barnas-Pomeroy]
2459542 461818 Geranium ayavacense Willd. ex Kunth
M. Barnas-Pomeroy, C.F.J. Barnas, Wildflowers and landscapes of Ecuador - The way we knew it fasicle P, : t. 15 (2014) [M. Barnas-Pomeroy]
2460082 154089 Brachyotum ledifolium (Desr.) Triana [80 653786 Melastoma ledifolium Desr.]
M. Barnas-Pomeroy, C.F.J. Barnas, Wildflowers and landscapes of Ecuador - The way we knew it fasicle DG, : t. 15 (2014) [M. Barnas-Pomeroy]
2458671 266868 Commelina communis L.
M. Barnas-Pomeroy, C.F.J. Barnas, Wildflowers and landscapes of Ecuador - The way we knew it fasicle YG, : t. 16 (2014) [M. Barnas-Pomeroy]
M. Barnas-Pomeroy, C.F.J. Barnas, Wildflowers and landscapes of Ecuador - The way we knew it fasicle R, : t. 16 (2014) [M. Barnas-Pomeroy]
2459551 404358 Erodium moschatum (L.) L’Hérit. [181 404359 Erodium moschatum (L.) Willd.]
M. Barnas-Pomeroy, C.F.J. Barnas, Wildflowers and landscapes of Ecuador - The way we knew it fasicle P, : t. 16 (2014) [M. Barnas-Pomeroy]
2460092 138631 Berberis rigidifolia Kunth
M. Barnas-Pomeroy, C.F.J. Barnas, Wildflowers and landscapes of Ecuador - The way we knew it fasicle DG, : t. 16 (2014) [M. Barnas-Pomeroy]
2458682 361488 Drymonia serrulata (Jacq.) Mart. [80 140324 Besleria serrulata Jacq.]
M. Barnas-Pomeroy, C.F.J. Barnas, Wildflowers and landscapes of Ecuador - The way we knew it fasicle YG, : t. 17 (2014) [M. Barnas-Pomeroy]
M. Barnas-Pomeroy, C.F.J. Barnas, Wildflowers and landscapes of Ecuador - The way we knew it fasicle R, : t. 17 (2014) [M. Barnas-Pomeroy]
2459566 455407 Gaultheria glomerata (Cav.) Sleumer [125 58859 Andromeda glomerata Cav.]
M. Barnas-Pomeroy, C.F.J. Barnas, Wildflowers and landscapes of Ecuador - The way we knew it fasicle P, : t. 17 (2014) [M. Barnas-Pomeroy]
2460106 129529 Barnadesia pycnophylla Muschl.
M. Barnas-Pomeroy, C.F.J. Barnas, Wildflowers and landscapes of Ecuador - The way we knew it fasicle DG, : t. 17 (2014) [M. Barnas-Pomeroy]
2460402 978784 Stevia elatior Kunth
M. Barnas-Pomeroy, C.F.J. Barnas, Wildflowers and landscapes of Ecuador - The way we knew it fasicle App., : t. 18 (2014) [M. Barnas-Pomeroy]
2458691 257661 Clitoria arborescens R. Br.
M. Barnas-Pomeroy, C.F.J. Barnas, Wildflowers and landscapes of Ecuador - The way we knew it fasicle YG, : t. 18 (2014) [M. Barnas-Pomeroy]
M. Barnas-Pomeroy, C.F.J. Barnas, Wildflowers and landscapes of Ecuador - The way we knew it fasicle R, : t. 18 (2014) [M. Barnas-Pomeroy]
M. Barnas-Pomeroy, C.F.J. Barnas, Wildflowers and landscapes of Ecuador - The way we knew it fasicle P, : t. 18 (2014) [M. Barnas-Pomeroy]
M. Barnas-Pomeroy, C.F.J. Barnas, Wildflowers and landscapes of Ecuador - The way we knew it: t. 18 (2014) [M. Barnas-Pomeroy]
6 180600 Callisia gracilis (Kunth) D.R.Hunt [125 1024491 Tradescantia gracilis Kunth]
M. Barnas-Pomeroy, C.F.J. Barnas, Wildflowers and landscapes of Ecuador - The way we knew it fasicle App., : t. 19 (2014) [M. Barnas-Pomeroy]
2458705 640061 Mandevilla hirsuta (Rich.) Schumann [116 372551 Echites hirsutus Rich.]
M. Barnas-Pomeroy, C.F.J. Barnas, Wildflowers and landscapes of Ecuador - The way we knew it fasicle YG, : t. 19 (2014) [M. Barnas-Pomeroy]
M. Barnas-Pomeroy, C.F.J. Barnas, Wildflowers and landscapes of Ecuador - The way we knew it fasicle R, : t. 19 (2014) [M. Barnas-Pomeroy]
2459582 365061 Duchesnea indica (Andrews) Focke [80 443131 Fragaria indica Andrews]
M. Barnas-Pomeroy, C.F.J. Barnas, Wildflowers and landscapes of Ecuador - The way we knew it fasicle P, : t. 19 (2014) [M. Barnas-Pomeroy]
2460125 149772 Bomarea multiflora (L.f.) Mirb. [116 48206 Alstroemeria multiflora L.f.]
M. Barnas-Pomeroy, C.F.J. Barnas, Wildflowers and landscapes of Ecuador - The way we knew it fasicle DG, : t. 19 (2014) [M. Barnas-Pomeroy]
2458712 1235614 Arthrostema ciliatum Ruiz & Pav.
M. Barnas-Pomeroy, C.F.J. Barnas, Wildflowers and landscapes of Ecuador - The way we knew it fasicle YG, : t. 20 (2014) [M. Barnas-Pomeroy]
M. Barnas-Pomeroy, C.F.J. Barnas, Wildflowers and landscapes of Ecuador - The way we knew it fasicle R, : t. 20 (2014) [M. Barnas-Pomeroy]
2459592 1279433 Tradescantia quitensis M. Barnas-Pomeroy
M. Barnas-Pomeroy, C.F.J. Barnas, Wildflowers and landscapes of Ecuador - The way we knew it fasicle P, : t. 20 (2014) [M. Barnas-Pomeroy]
2460136 774411 Phaedranassa dubia (Kunth) J.F.Macbr. [125 491263 Haemanthus dubius Kunth]
M. Barnas-Pomeroy, C.F.J. Barnas, Wildflowers and landscapes of Ecuador - The way we knew it fasicle DG, : t. 20a (2014) [M. Barnas-Pomeroy]
2460146 774411 Phaedranassa dubia (Kunth) J.F.Macbr. [125 491263 Haemanthus dubius Kunth]
M. Barnas-Pomeroy, C.F.J. Barnas, Wildflowers and landscapes of Ecuador - The way we knew it fasicle DG, : t. 20b (2014) [M. Barnas-Pomeroy]
2458722 926536 Scutellaria coccinea Kunth
M. Barnas-Pomeroy, C.F.J. Barnas, Wildflowers and landscapes of Ecuador - The way we knew it fasicle YG, : t. 21 (2014) [M. Barnas-Pomeroy]
2459122 646291 Masdevallia nidifica Rchb.f.
M. Barnas-Pomeroy, C.F.J. Barnas, Wildflowers and landscapes of Ecuador - The way we knew it fasicle R, : t. 21 (2014) [M. Barnas-Pomeroy]
2459602 673757 Mimulus glabratus Kunth
M. Barnas-Pomeroy, C.F.J. Barnas, Wildflowers and landscapes of Ecuador - The way we knew it fasicle P, : t. 21 (2014) [M. Barnas-Pomeroy]
2460152 977008 Stenomesson aurantiacum (Kunth) Herb. [80 740702 Pancratium aurantiacum Kunth]
M. Barnas-Pomeroy, C.F.J. Barnas, Wildflowers and landscapes of Ecuador - The way we knew it fasicle DG, : t. 21 (2014) [M. Barnas-Pomeroy]
2460166 1035888 Tristerix longebracteatus (Desr.) Barlow & Wiens [125 620232 Loranthus longebracteatus Desr.]
M. Barnas-Pomeroy, C.F.J. Barnas, Wildflowers and landscapes of Ecuador - The way we knew it fasicle DG, : t. 22 (2014) [M. Barnas-Pomeroy]
M. Barnas-Pomeroy, C.F.J. Barnas, Wildflowers and landscapes of Ecuador - The way we knew it fasicle YG, : t. 22 (2014) [M. Barnas-Pomeroy]
2459136 1029737 Trichosalpinx ciliaris (Lindl.) Luer [125 963964 Specklinia ciliaris Lindl.]
M. Barnas-Pomeroy, C.F.J. Barnas, Wildflowers and landscapes of Ecuador - The way we knew it fasicle R, : t. 22 (2014) [M. Barnas-Pomeroy]
245961xx 450747 Galium hypocarpium (L.) Endl. ex Griseb. [0]
M. Barnas-Pomeroy, C.F.J. Barnas, Wildflowers and landscapes of Ecuador - The way we knew it fasicle P, : t. 22 (2014) [M. Barnas-Pomeroy]
2460176 460607 Gentianella rapunculoides (Willd. ex Schultes) J.S.Pringle [125 459664 Gentiana rapunculoides Willd. ex Schultes]
M. Barnas-Pomeroy, C.F.J. Barnas, Wildflowers and landscapes of Ecuador - The way we knew it fasicle DG, : t. 23 (2014) [M. Barnas-Pomeroy]
2458742 361443 Drymonia hoppii (Mansf.) Wiehler [80 42567 Alloplectus hoppii Mansf.]
M. Barnas-Pomeroy, C.F.J. Barnas, Wildflowers and landscapes of Ecuador - The way we knew it fasicle YG, : t. 23 (2014) [M. Barnas-Pomeroy]
M. Barnas-Pomeroy, C.F.J. Barnas, Wildflowers and landscapes of Ecuador - The way we knew it fasicle R, : t. 23 (2014) [M. Barnas-Pomeroy]
2459622 306496 Cynanchum quitense Schumann
M. Barnas-Pomeroy, C.F.J. Barnas, Wildflowers and landscapes of Ecuador - The way we knew it fasicle P, : t. 23 (2014) [M. Barnas-Pomeroy]
2460182 950790 Siphocampylus giganteus (Cav.) G. Don [80 614900 Lobelia gigantea Cav.]
M. Barnas-Pomeroy, C.F.J. Barnas, Wildflowers and landscapes of Ecuador - The way we knew it fasicle DG, : t. 24 (2014) [M. Barnas-Pomeroy]
2458755 848761 Psychotria poeppigiana Muell. Arg. [0]
M. Barnas-Pomeroy, C.F.J. Barnas, Wildflowers and landscapes of Ecuador - The way we knew it fasicle YG, : t. 24 (2014) [M. Barnas-Pomeroy]
M. Barnas-Pomeroy, C.F.J. Barnas, Wildflowers and landscapes of Ecuador - The way we knew it fasicle R, : t. 24 (2014) [M. Barnas-Pomeroy]
2459632 976223 Stenandrium dulce (Cav.) Nees [80 892938 Ruellia dulcis Cav.]
M. Barnas-Pomeroy, C.F.J. Barnas, Wildflowers and landscapes of Ecuador - The way we knew it fasicle P, : t. 24 (2014) [M. Barnas-Pomeroy]
2458762 336697 Diastema eggersianum Fritsch
M. Barnas-Pomeroy, C.F.J. Barnas, Wildflowers and landscapes of Ecuador - The way we knew it fasicle YG, : t. 25 (2014) [M. Barnas-Pomeroy]
2459646 639988 Mandevilla assimilis (Schumann) J.F.Morales [125 372361 Echites assimilis Schumann]
M. Barnas-Pomeroy, C.F.J. Barnas, Wildflowers and landscapes of Ecuador - The way we knew it fasicle P, : t. 25 (2014) [M. Barnas-Pomeroy]
2460192 459810 Gentiana sedifolia Kunth
M. Barnas-Pomeroy, C.F.J. Barnas, Wildflowers and landscapes of Ecuador - The way we knew it fasicle DG, : t. 25a & b (2014) [M. Barnas-Pomeroy]
2460202 491983 Halenia weddelliana Gilg
M. Barnas-Pomeroy, C.F.J. Barnas, Wildflowers and landscapes of Ecuador - The way we knew it fasicle DG, : t. 26 (2014) [M. Barnas-Pomeroy]
2458772 507745 Heppiella ulmifolia (Kunth) Hanst. [80 464321 Gesneria ulmifolia Kunth]
M. Barnas-Pomeroy, C.F.J. Barnas, Wildflowers and landscapes of Ecuador - The way we knew it fasicle YG, : t. 26 (2014) [M. Barnas-Pomeroy]
2459652 787587 Physalis peruviana L.
M. Barnas-Pomeroy, C.F.J. Barnas, Wildflowers and landscapes of Ecuador - The way we knew it fasicle P, : t. 26 (2014) [M. Barnas-Pomeroy]
2460216 1231071 Xenophyllum humile (Kunth) V.A.Funk [125 1073931 Werneria humilis Kunth]
M. Barnas-Pomeroy, C.F.J. Barnas, Wildflowers and landscapes of Ecuador - The way we knew it fasicle DG, : t. 27 (2014) [M. Barnas-Pomeroy]
2458782 160583 Browallia americana L.
M. Barnas-Pomeroy, C.F.J. Barnas, Wildflowers and landscapes of Ecuador - The way we knew it fasicle YG, : t. 27 (2014) [M. Barnas-Pomeroy]
2459662 700936 Nicotiana tabacum L.
M. Barnas-Pomeroy, C.F.J. Barnas, Wildflowers and landscapes of Ecuador - The way we knew it fasicle P, : t. 27 (2014) [M. Barnas-Pomeroy]
2460222 1073954 Werneria nubigena Kunth
M. Barnas-Pomeroy, C.F.J. Barnas, Wildflowers and landscapes of Ecuador - The way we knew it fasicle DG, : t. 28 (2014) [M. Barnas-Pomeroy]
24587912 132081 Bauhinia forficata Link [80 131906 Bauhinia candicans Benth.]
M. Barnas-Pomeroy, C.F.J. Barnas, Wildflowers and landscapes of Ecuador - The way we knew it fasicle YG, : t. 28 (2014) [M. Barnas-Pomeroy]
24596716 671942 Mimosa albida Willd. [181 672456 Mimosa floribunda Willd.]
M. Barnas-Pomeroy, C.F.J. Barnas, Wildflowers and landscapes of Ecuador - The way we knew it fasicle P, : t. 28 (2014) [M. Barnas-Pomeroy]
2460236 783455 Phyllactis rigida (Ruiz & Pavon) Pers. [125 1049764 Valeriana rigida Ruiz & Pavon]
M. Barnas-Pomeroy, C.F.J. Barnas, Wildflowers and landscapes of Ecuador - The way we knew it fasicle DG, : t. 29 (2014) [M. Barnas-Pomeroy]
2460426 257388 Clinopodium nubigenum (Kunth) Kuntze [125 1015877 Thymus nubigenus Kunth]
M. Barnas-Pomeroy, C.F.J. Barnas, Wildflowers and landscapes of Ecuador - The way we knew it fasicle App., : t. 29 (2014) [M. Barnas-Pomeroy]
2458805 939548 Senna multiglandulosa (Jacq.) H.S.Irwin & Barneby [116 209579 Cassia multiglandulosa Jacq.]
M. Barnas-Pomeroy, C.F.J. Barnas, Wildflowers and landscapes of Ecuador - The way we knew it fasicle YG, : t. 29 (2014) [M. Barnas-Pomeroy]
2459685 318798 Dalea coerulea (L.f.) Schinz & Thell. [116 318759 Dalea caerulea L.f.]
M. Barnas-Pomeroy, C.F.J. Barnas, Wildflowers and landscapes of Ecuador - The way we knew it fasicle P, : t. 29 (2014) [M. Barnas-Pomeroy]
2460246 460422 Gentianella foliosa (Kunth) Fabris [125 458792 Gentiana foliosa Kunth]
M. Barnas-Pomeroy, C.F.J. Barnas, Wildflowers and landscapes of Ecuador - The way we knew it fasicle DG, : t. 30 (2014) [M. Barnas-Pomeroy]
2460436 1191387 Nuttallanthus canadensis (L.) D.A.Sutton [125 73157 Antirrhinum canadense L.]
M. Barnas-Pomeroy, C.F.J. Barnas, Wildflowers and landscapes of Ecuador - The way we knew it fasicle App., : t. 30 (2014) [M. Barnas-Pomeroy]
M. Barnas-Pomeroy, C.F.J. Barnas, Wildflowers and landscapes of Ecuador - The way we knew it fasicle YG, : t. 30 (2014) [M. Barnas-Pomeroy]
2459692 1060775 Vicia graminea Sm.
M. Barnas-Pomeroy, C.F.J. Barnas, Wildflowers and landscapes of Ecuador - The way we knew it fasicle P, : t. 30 (2014) [M. Barnas-Pomeroy]
M. Barnas-Pomeroy, C.F.J. Barnas, Wildflowers and landscapes of Ecuador - The way we knew it fasicle DG, : t. 31 (2014) [M. Barnas-Pomeroy]
M. Barnas-Pomeroy, C.F.J. Barnas, Wildflowers and landscapes of Ecuador - The way we knew it fasicle YG, : t. 31 (2014) [M. Barnas-Pomeroy]
2459702 331845 Desmodium canescens (L.) DC. [80 498764 Hedysarum canescens L.]
M. Barnas-Pomeroy, C.F.J. Barnas, Wildflowers and landscapes of Ecuador - The way we knew it fasicle P, : t. 31 (2014) [M. Barnas-Pomeroy]
2460266 586597 Lasiocephalus ovatus Schltdl.
M. Barnas-Pomeroy, C.F.J. Barnas, Wildflowers and landscapes of Ecuador - The way we knew it fasicle DG, : t. 32 (2014) [M. Barnas-Pomeroy]
2460442 45088 Alonsoa meridionalis (L.f.) Kuntze [80 925975 Scrophularia meridionalis L.f.]
M. Barnas-Pomeroy, C.F.J. Barnas, Wildflowers and landscapes of Ecuador - The way we knew it fasicle App., : t. 32 (2014) [M. Barnas-Pomeroy]
M. Barnas-Pomeroy, C.F.J. Barnas, Wildflowers and landscapes of Ecuador - The way we knew it fasicle YG, : t. 32 (2014) [M. Barnas-Pomeroy]
2459711 280855 Coursetia grandiflora Oerst.
M. Barnas-Pomeroy, C.F.J. Barnas, Wildflowers and landscapes of Ecuador - The way we knew it fasicle P, : t. 32 (2014) [M. Barnas-Pomeroy]
2460272 629579 Lysipomia laciniata A. DC.
M. Barnas-Pomeroy, C.F.J. Barnas, Wildflowers and landscapes of Ecuador - The way we knew it fasicle DG, : t. 33 (2014) [M. Barnas-Pomeroy]
2458846 556431 Ipomoea cholulensis Kunth
M. Barnas-Pomeroy, C.F.J. Barnas, Wildflowers and landscapes of Ecuador - The way we knew it fasicle YG, : t. 33 (2014) [M. Barnas-Pomeroy]
2459722 903411 Salvia pichinchensis Benth.
M. Barnas-Pomeroy, C.F.J. Barnas, Wildflowers and landscapes of Ecuador - The way we knew it fasicle P, : t. 33 (2014) [M. Barnas-Pomeroy]
2460282 149699 Bomarea glaucescens (Kunth) Baker [80 48118 Alstroemeria glaucescens Kunth]
M. Barnas-Pomeroy, C.F.J. Barnas, Wildflowers and landscapes of Ecuador - The way we knew it fasicle DG, : t. 34 (2014) [M. Barnas-Pomeroy]
2458852 843369 Pseudogynoxys sodiroi (Hieron.) Cuatrec. [80 938268 Senecio sodiroi Hieron.]
M. Barnas-Pomeroy, C.F.J. Barnas, Wildflowers and landscapes of Ecuador - The way we knew it fasicle YG, : t. 34 (2014) [M. Barnas-Pomeroy]
2459736 548010 Hyptis sidifolia (L’Hérit.) Briq. [125 169857 Bystropogon sidifolius L’Hérit.]
M. Barnas-Pomeroy, C.F.J. Barnas, Wildflowers and landscapes of Ecuador - The way we knew it fasicle P, : t. 34 (2014) [M. Barnas-Pomeroy]
2460292 704353 Nototriche pichinchensis (Bonpl.) A.W. Hill [80 944967 Sida pichinchensis Bonpl.]
M. Barnas-Pomeroy, C.F.J. Barnas, Wildflowers and landscapes of Ecuador - The way we knew it fasicle DG, : t. 35 (2014) [M. Barnas-Pomeroy]
2458861 266928 Commelina diffusa Burm.f.
M. Barnas-Pomeroy, C.F.J. Barnas, Wildflowers and landscapes of Ecuador - The way we knew it fasicle YG, : t. 35 (2014) [M. Barnas-Pomeroy]
2459746 257463 Clinopodium tomentosum (Kunth) Govaerts [125 453831 Gardoquia tomentosa Kunth]
M. Barnas-Pomeroy, C.F.J. Barnas, Wildflowers and landscapes of Ecuador - The way we knew it fasicle P, : t. 35 (2014) [M. Barnas-Pomeroy]
2460302 1073967 Werneria pumila Kunth
M. Barnas-Pomeroy, C.F.J. Barnas, Wildflowers and landscapes of Ecuador - The way we knew it fasicle DG, : t. 36 (2014) [M. Barnas-Pomeroy]
2458872 409291 Escobedia grandiflora (L.f.) Kuntze [80 162028 Buchnera grandiflora L.f.]
M. Barnas-Pomeroy, C.F.J. Barnas, Wildflowers and landscapes of Ecuador - The way we knew it fasicle YG, : t. 36 (2014) [M. Barnas-Pomeroy]
2459756 257265 Clinopodium fasciculatum (Benth.) Govaerts [80 453798 Gardoquia fasciculata Benth.]
M. Barnas-Pomeroy, C.F.J. Barnas, Wildflowers and landscapes of Ecuador - The way we knew it fasicle P, : t. 36 (2014) [M. Barnas-Pomeroy]
2460316 936882 Senecio nivalis (Kunth) Cuatrec. [125 297784 Culcitium nivale Kunth]
M. Barnas-Pomeroy, C.F.J. Barnas, Wildflowers and landscapes of Ecuador - The way we knew it fasicle DG, : t. 37 (2014) [M. Barnas-Pomeroy]
2458882 700582 Nicandra physalodes (L.) Gaertner [80 118622 Atropa physalodes L.]
M. Barnas-Pomeroy, C.F.J. Barnas, Wildflowers and landscapes of Ecuador - The way we knew it fasicle YG, : t. 37 (2014) [M. Barnas-Pomeroy]
2459761 970162 Stachys elliptica Kunth
M. Barnas-Pomeroy, C.F.J. Barnas, Wildflowers and landscapes of Ecuador - The way we knew it fasicle P, : t. 37 (2014) [M. Barnas-Pomeroy]
2460325 460616 Gentianella rupicola (Kunth) Holub [116 459728 Gentiana rupicola Kunth]
M. Barnas-Pomeroy, C.F.J. Barnas, Wildflowers and landscapes of Ecuador - The way we knew it fasicle DG, : t. 38 (2014) [M. Barnas-Pomeroy]
2458892 584109 Lantana camara L.
M. Barnas-Pomeroy, C.F.J. Barnas, Wildflowers and landscapes of Ecuador - The way we knew it fasicle YG, : t. 38 (2014) [M. Barnas-Pomeroy]
2459771 345149 Dioscorea sprucei Uline ex R.Knuth
M. Barnas-Pomeroy, C.F.J. Barnas, Wildflowers and landscapes of Ecuador - The way we knew it fasicle P, : t. 38 (2014) [M. Barnas-Pomeroy]
2460336 460321 Gentianella cernua (Kunth) Fabris [125 458472 Gentiana cernua Kunth]
M. Barnas-Pomeroy, C.F.J. Barnas, Wildflowers and landscapes of Ecuador - The way we knew it fasicle DG, : t. 39 (2014) [M. Barnas-Pomeroy]
2460455 466873 Glandularia microphylla (Kunth) Cabrera [116 1054401 Verbena microphylla Kunth]
M. Barnas-Pomeroy, C.F.J. Barnas, Wildflowers and landscapes of Ecuador - The way we knew it fasicle App., : t. 39 (2014) [M. Barnas-Pomeroy]
2458906 557183 Ipomoea quamoclit L.
M. Barnas-Pomeroy, C.F.J. Barnas, Wildflowers and landscapes of Ecuador - The way we knew it fasicle YG, : t. 39 (2014) [M. Barnas-Pomeroy]
24597812 275165 Coriaria ruscifolia L. [80 275175 Coriaria thymifolia Humb. & Bonpl. ex Willd.]
M. Barnas-Pomeroy, C.F.J. Barnas, Wildflowers and landscapes of Ecuador - The way we knew it fasicle P, : t. 39 (2014) [M. Barnas-Pomeroy]
2460345 460607 Gentianella rapunculoides (Willd. ex Schultes) J.S.Pringle [116 459664 Gentiana rapunculoides Willd. ex Schultes]
M. Barnas-Pomeroy, C.F.J. Barnas, Wildflowers and landscapes of Ecuador - The way we knew it fasicle DG, : t. 40 (2014) [M. Barnas-Pomeroy]
2458916 950611 Siphocampylus affinis (Mirb.) McVaugh [125 614281 Lobelia affinis Mirb.]
M. Barnas-Pomeroy, C.F.J. Barnas, Wildflowers and landscapes of Ecuador - The way we knew it fasicle YG, : t. 40 (2014) [M. Barnas-Pomeroy]
2459796 665974 Miconia papillosa (Desr.) Naudin [125 653826 Melastoma papillosa Desr.]
M. Barnas-Pomeroy, C.F.J. Barnas, Wildflowers and landscapes of Ecuador - The way we knew it fasicle P, : t. 40 (2014) [M. Barnas-Pomeroy]
2460356 460422 Gentianella foliosa (Kunth) Fabris [125 458792 Gentiana foliosa Kunth]
M. Barnas-Pomeroy, C.F.J. Barnas, Wildflowers and landscapes of Ecuador - The way we knew it fasicle DG, : t. 41 (2014) [M. Barnas-Pomeroy]
2459806 678296 Monnina celastroides (Bonpl.) Chodat [80 678495 Monnina rupestris Kunth]
M. Barnas-Pomeroy, C.F.J. Barnas, Wildflowers and landscapes of Ecuador - The way we knew it fasicle P, : t. 41 (2014) [M. Barnas-Pomeroy]
2460466 650852 Medicago polymorpha L.
M. Barnas-Pomeroy, C.F.J. Barnas, Wildflowers and landscapes of Ecuador - The way we knew it fasicle App., : t. 42 (2014) [M. Barnas-Pomeroy]
2459812 170048 Byttneria ovata Lam.
M. Barnas-Pomeroy, C.F.J. Barnas, Wildflowers and landscapes of Ecuador - The way we knew it fasicle P, : t. 42 (2014) [M. Barnas-Pomeroy]
2460475 83572 Arenaria lanuginosa (Michx.) Rohrb. [181 83781 Arenaria nemorosa Kunth]
M. Barnas-Pomeroy, C.F.J. Barnas, Wildflowers and landscapes of Ecuador - The way we knew it fasicle App., : t. 43 (2014) [M. Barnas-Pomeroy]
2459821 353833 Dodonaea viscosa Jacq.
M. Barnas-Pomeroy, C.F.J. Barnas, Wildflowers and landscapes of Ecuador - The way we knew it fasicle P, : t. 43 (2014) [M. Barnas-Pomeroy]
2460486 947611 Silene gallica L.
M. Barnas-Pomeroy, C.F.J. Barnas, Wildflowers and landscapes of Ecuador - The way we knew it fasicle App., : t. 53 (2014) [M. Barnas-Pomeroy]
2460492 732683 Oxalis peduncularis Kunth
M. Barnas-Pomeroy, C.F.J. Barnas, Wildflowers and landscapes of Ecuador - The way we knew it fasicle App., : t. 54 (2014) [M. Barnas-Pomeroy]
2460501 1031078 Trifolium amabile Kunth
M. Barnas-Pomeroy, C.F.J. Barnas, Wildflowers and landscapes of Ecuador - The way we knew it fasicle App., : t. 65 (2014) [M. Barnas-Pomeroy]
2460516 81121 Arcytophyllum ericoides (Willd. ex Roemer & Schultes) Standl. [125 497823 Hedyotis ericoides Willd. ex Roemer & Schultes]
M. Barnas-Pomeroy, C.F.J. Barnas, Wildflowers and landscapes of Ecuador - The way we knew it fasicle App., : t. 74 (2014) [M. Barnas-Pomeroy]
2460522 298588 Cuphea epilobiifolia Koehne
M. Barnas-Pomeroy, C.F.J. Barnas, Wildflowers and landscapes of Ecuador - The way we knew it fasicle App., : t. 96 (2014) [M. Barnas-Pomeroy]
2460532 731822 Oxalis corniculata L.
M. Barnas-Pomeroy, C.F.J. Barnas, Wildflowers and landscapes of Ecuador - The way we knew it fasicle App., : t. 104 (2014) [M. Barnas-Pomeroy]
M. Barnas-Pomeroy, C.F.J. Barnas, Wildflowers and landscapes of Ecuador - The way we knew it fasicle App., : t. 109 (2014) [M. Barnas-Pomeroy]
M. Barnas-Pomeroy, C.F.J. Barnas, Wildflowers and landscapes of Ecuador - The way we knew it fasicle App., : t. 112 (2014) [M. Barnas-Pomeroy]
M. Barnas-Pomeroy, C.F.J. Barnas, Wildflowers and landscapes of Ecuador - The way we knew it fasicle App., : t. 116 (2014) [M. Barnas-Pomeroy]
M. Barnas-Pomeroy, C.F.J. Barnas, Wildflowers and landscapes of Ecuador - The way we knew it fasicle App., : t. 137 (2014) [M. Barnas-Pomeroy]
2460586 450331 Galium corymbosum Ruiz & Pavon
M. Barnas-Pomeroy, C.F.J. Barnas, Wildflowers and landscapes of Ecuador - The way we knew it fasicle App., : t. 151 (2014) [M. Barnas-Pomeroy]
2460592 732313 Oxalis latifolia Kunth
M. Barnas-Pomeroy, C.F.J. Barnas, Wildflowers and landscapes of Ecuador - The way we knew it fasicle App., : t. 153 (2014) [M. Barnas-Pomeroy]
2460602 48840 Alternanthera sericea Kunth
M. Barnas-Pomeroy, C.F.J. Barnas, Wildflowers and landscapes of Ecuador - The way we knew it fasicle App., : t. 154 (2014) [M. Barnas-Pomeroy]
2460616 804855 Plantago nivea Kunth
M. Barnas-Pomeroy, C.F.J. Barnas, Wildflowers and landscapes of Ecuador - The way we knew it fasicle App., : t. 156 (2014) [M. Barnas-Pomeroy]
2460622 545890 Hypochaeris elata (Wedd.) Benth. & Hook.f. ex Griseb. [80 13033 Achyrophorus elatus Wedd.]
M. Barnas-Pomeroy, C.F.J. Barnas, Wildflowers and landscapes of Ecuador - The way we knew it fasicle App., : t. 158 (2014) [M. Barnas-Pomeroy]
2460632 374098 Eichhornia crassipes (Mart.) Solms [80 830339 Pontederia crassipes Mart.]
M. Barnas-Pomeroy, C.F.J. Barnas, Wildflowers and landscapes of Ecuador - The way we knew it fasicle App., : t. 194 (2014) [M. Barnas-Pomeroy]
2460641 1022904 Tournefortia laurifolia Vent.
M. Barnas-Pomeroy, C.F.J. Barnas, Wildflowers and landscapes of Ecuador - The way we knew it fasicle App., : t. 196 (2014) [M. Barnas-Pomeroy]
431750Parapholis incurva test 17 (L.) C.E.Hubb. {80 23504 Aegilops incurva L.}
D.S. Correll, H.B. Correll, Aquatic Wetl. Pl. SW U.S.: , fig. 100 (1972) [M. Barnas-Pomeroy]
431756Polypogon viridis (Gouan) Breistr. [Agrostis semiverticillata (Forssk.) C.Chr.] {80 775491 Phalaris semiverticillata Forssk.}
D.S. Correll, H.B. Correll, Aquatic Wetl. Pl. SW U.S.: , fig. 106 (1972) [M. Barnas-Pomeroy]
431758Agrostis stolonifera L.
D.S. Correll, H.B. Correll, Aquatic Wetl. Pl. SW U.S.: , fig. 108 (1972) [M. Barnas-Pomeroy]
431761Alopecurus aequalis Sobol.
D.S. Correll, H.B. Correll, Aquatic Wetl. Pl. SW U.S.: , fig. 111 (1972) [M. Barnas-Pomeroy]
431762Alopecurus geniculatus L.
D.S. Correll, H.B. Correll, Aquatic Wetl. Pl. SW U.S.: , fig. 112 (1972) [M. Barnas-Pomeroy]
431764Polypogon elongatus Kunth
D.S. Correll, H.B. Correll, Aquatic Wetl. Pl. SW U.S.: , fig. 114 (1972) [M. Barnas-Pomeroy]
431769Leptochloa fusca(L.) Kunth [Leptochloa fascicularis (Lam.) A. Gray] {81 433740 Festuca fascicularis Lam.}
D.S. Correll, H.B. Correll, Aquatic Wetl. Pl. SW U.S.: , fig. 119 (1972) [M. Barnas-Pomeroy]
431660Azolla microphylla [Azolla mexicana 0] {0}
D.S. Correll, H.B. Correll, Aquatic Wetl. Pl. SW U.S.: , fig. 12 a-e (1972) [M. Barnas-Pomeroy]
432684Azolla filiculoides Lam.
D.S. Correll, H.B. Correll, Aquatic Wetl. Pl. SW U.S.: , fig. 12 f-l (1972) [M. Barnas-Pomeroy]
431770Leptochloa fusca(L.) Kunth [Leptochloa uninervia (J. Presl) Hitchc. & Chase] {80 651619 Megastachya uninervia J. Presl}
D.S. Correll, H.B. Correll, Aquatic Wetl. Pl. SW U.S.: , fig. 120 (1972) [M. Barnas-Pomeroy]
431771Leptochloa mucronata(Michx.) Kunth [Leptochloa filiformis (Pers.) P. Beauv.] {-1}
D.S. Correll, H.B. Correll, Aquatic Wetl. Pl. SW U.S.: , fig. 121 (1972) [M. Barnas-Pomeroy]
431773Beckmannia syzigachne (Steudel) Fernald {80 746170 Panicum syzigachne Steudel}
D.S. Correll, H.B. Correll, Aquatic Wetl. Pl. SW U.S.: , fig. 123 (1972) [M. Barnas-Pomeroy]
431781Phalaris arundinacea L.
D.S. Correll, H.B. Correll, Aquatic Wetl. Pl. SW U.S.: , fig. 131 (1972) [M. Barnas-Pomeroy]
431784Leersia oryzoides (L.) Sw. {80 775453 Phalaris oryzoides L.}
D.S. Correll, H.B. Correll, Aquatic Wetl. Pl. SW U.S.: , fig. 134 (1972) [M. Barnas-Pomeroy]
431795Paspalum dilatatum Poiret
D.S. Correll, H.B. Correll, Aquatic Wetl. Pl. SW U.S.: , fig. 145 (1972) [M. Barnas-Pomeroy]
431798Paspalum distichum L.
D.S. Correll, H.B. Correll, Aquatic Wetl. Pl. SW U.S.: , fig. 148 (1972) [M. Barnas-Pomeroy]
431816Echinochloa colona (L.) Link {-1}
D.S. Correll, H.B. Correll, Aquatic Wetl. Pl. SW U.S.: , fig. 166 (1972) [M. Barnas-Pomeroy]
431817Echinochloa crus-galli (L.) P. Beauv. {80 743220 Panicum crus-galli L.}
D.S. Correll, H.B. Correll, Aquatic Wetl. Pl. SW U.S.: , fig. 167 (1972) [M. Barnas-Pomeroy]
431818Setaria parviflora(Poiret) M.Kerguelen [Setaria geniculata P. Beauv.]
D.S. Correll, H.B. Correll, Aquatic Wetl. Pl. SW U.S.: , fig. 168 (1972) [M. Barnas-Pomeroy]
431819Pennisetum glaucum (L.) R. Br. [Setaria glauca (L.) P. Beauv.] {81 743889 Panicum glaucum L.}
D.S. Correll, H.B. Correll, Aquatic Wetl. Pl. SW U.S.: , fig. 169 (1972) [M. Barnas-Pomeroy]
431820Setaria verticillata (L.) P. Beauv. {80 746401 Panicum verticillatum L.}
D.S. Correll, H.B. Correll, Aquatic Wetl. Pl. SW U.S.: , fig. 170 (1972) [M. Barnas-Pomeroy]
431825Scirpus fluviatilis test 8 (Torrey) A. Gray {80 922281 Scirpus maritimus variety fluviatilis Torrey}
D.S. Correll, H.B. Correll, Aquatic Wetl. Pl. SW U.S.: , fig. 175 (1972) [M. Barnas-Pomeroy]
431828Scirpus microcarpus J. Presl & C. Presl
D.S. Correll, H.B. Correll, Aquatic Wetl. Pl. SW U.S.: , fig. 178 (1972) [M. Barnas-Pomeroy]
431834Scirpus acutus test 8 Muhl. ex Bigelow
D.S. Correll, H.B. Correll, Aquatic Wetl. Pl. SW U.S.: , fig. 184 (1972) [M. Barnas-Pomeroy]
431838Eleocharis quadrangulata (Michx.) Roemer & Schultes {80 922644 Scirpus quadrangulatus Michx.}
D.S. Correll, H.B. Correll, Aquatic Wetl. Pl. SW U.S.: , fig. 188 (1972) [M. Barnas-Pomeroy]
431844Eleocharis macrostachya Britton
D.S. Correll, H.B. Correll, Aquatic Wetl. Pl. SW U.S.: , fig. 194 (1972) [M. Barnas-Pomeroy]
431845Eleocharis flavescens (Poiret) Urban {80 921892 Scirpus flavescens Poiret}
D.S. Correll, H.B. Correll, Aquatic Wetl. Pl. SW U.S.: , fig. 195 (1972) [M. Barnas-Pomeroy]
431848Eleocharis rostellata (Torrey) Torrey {80 922704 Scirpus rostellatus Torrey}
D.S. Correll, H.B. Correll, Aquatic Wetl. Pl. SW U.S.: , fig. 198 (1972) [M. Barnas-Pomeroy]
431853Eleocharis parishii Britton
D.S. Correll, H.B. Correll, Aquatic Wetl. Pl. SW U.S.: , fig. 203 (1972) [M. Barnas-Pomeroy]
43186320__0_431863 Cyperus laevigatus test 18 {0}
D.S. Correll, H.B. Correll, Aquatic Wetl. Pl. SW U.S.: , fig. 213 (1972) [M. Barnas-Pomeroy]
43186820__0_431868 Cyperus niger test 18 {-1}
D.S. Correll, H.B. Correll, Aquatic Wetl. Pl. SW U.S.: , fig. 218 (1972) [M. Barnas-Pomeroy]
431872Cyperus difformis L.
D.S. Correll, H.B. Correll, Aquatic Wetl. Pl. SW U.S.: , fig. 222 (1972) [M. Barnas-Pomeroy]
431873Cyperus squarrosusL. [Cyperus aristatus Rottb.]
D.S. Correll, H.B. Correll, Aquatic Wetl. Pl. SW U.S.: , fig. 223 (1972) [M. Barnas-Pomeroy]
431874Cyperus acuminatus Torrey & Hook.
D.S. Correll, H.B. Correll, Aquatic Wetl. Pl. SW U.S.: , fig. 224 (1972) [M. Barnas-Pomeroy]
431879Cyperus erythrorrhizos Muhl.
D.S. Correll, H.B. Correll, Aquatic Wetl. Pl. SW U.S.: , fig. 229 (1972) [M. Barnas-Pomeroy]
431883Cyperus rotundus L.
D.S. Correll, H.B. Correll, Aquatic Wetl. Pl. SW U.S.: , fig. 233 (1972) [M. Barnas-Pomeroy]
431884Cyperus esculentus L.
D.S. Correll, H.B. Correll, Aquatic Wetl. Pl. SW U.S.: , fig. 234 (1972) [M. Barnas-Pomeroy]
431885Cyperus strigosus L.
D.S. Correll, H.B. Correll, Aquatic Wetl. Pl. SW U.S.: , fig. 235 (1972) [M. Barnas-Pomeroy]
431672Typha latifolia L.
D.S. Correll, H.B. Correll, Aquatic Wetl. Pl. SW U.S.: , fig. 24 (1972) [M. Barnas-Pomeroy]
431673Typha angustifolia L.
D.S. Correll, H.B. Correll, Aquatic Wetl. Pl. SW U.S.: , fig. 25 (1972) [M. Barnas-Pomeroy]
431904Carex douglasii Boott
D.S. Correll, H.B. Correll, Aquatic Wetl. Pl. SW U.S.: , fig. 255 (1972) [M. Barnas-Pomeroy]
431674Typha domingensis Pers.
D.S. Correll, H.B. Correll, Aquatic Wetl. Pl. SW U.S.: , fig. 26 (1972) [M. Barnas-Pomeroy]
431909Carex stipata Muhl. ex Willd.
D.S. Correll, H.B. Correll, Aquatic Wetl. Pl. SW U.S.: , fig. 260 (1972) [M. Barnas-Pomeroy]
431911Carex athrostachya Olney
D.S. Correll, H.B. Correll, Aquatic Wetl. Pl. SW U.S.: , fig. 262 (1972) [M. Barnas-Pomeroy]
431914Carex senta Boott
D.S. Correll, H.B. Correll, Aquatic Wetl. Pl. SW U.S.: , fig. 265 (1972) [M. Barnas-Pomeroy]
431918Carex comosa Boott
D.S. Correll, H.B. Correll, Aquatic Wetl. Pl. SW U.S.: , fig. 269 (1972) [M. Barnas-Pomeroy]
431675Sparganium eurycarpum Engelm.
D.S. Correll, H.B. Correll, Aquatic Wetl. Pl. SW U.S.: , fig. 27 (1972) [M. Barnas-Pomeroy]
431921Carex rostrata Stokes
D.S. Correll, H.B. Correll, Aquatic Wetl. Pl. SW U.S.: , fig. 272 (1972) [M. Barnas-Pomeroy]
431924Carex leptalea Wahlenb.
D.S. Correll, H.B. Correll, Aquatic Wetl. Pl. SW U.S.: , fig. 275 (1972) [M. Barnas-Pomeroy]
431927Carex lasiocarpaEhrh. [Carex lanuginosa Michx.]
D.S. Correll, H.B. Correll, Aquatic Wetl. Pl. SW U.S.: , fig. 278 (1972) [M. Barnas-Pomeroy]
431676Sparganium natansL. [Sparganium minimum (L.) Fr.] {-1}
D.S. Correll, H.B. Correll, Aquatic Wetl. Pl. SW U.S.: , fig. 28 a-c (1972) [M. Barnas-Pomeroy]
432668Triglochin palustris L.
D.S. Correll, H.B. Correll, Aquatic Wetl. Pl. SW U.S.: , fig. 28 d-i (1972) [M. Barnas-Pomeroy]
431937Spirodela polyrhiza (L.) Schleid. {80 591897 Lemna polyrrhiza L.}
D.S. Correll, H.B. Correll, Aquatic Wetl. Pl. SW U.S.: , fig. 288 (1972) [M. Barnas-Pomeroy]
431938Landoltia punctata (G.Mey.) Les & D.J.Crawford [Spirodela oligorrhiza (Kurz) Hegelm.] {80 591884 Lemna oligorrhiza Kurz}
D.S. Correll, H.B. Correll, Aquatic Wetl. Pl. SW U.S.: , fig. 289 (1972) [M. Barnas-Pomeroy]
431677Sparganium emersum (Morong) Reveal var. multipedunculatum {-1}
D.S. Correll, H.B. Correll, Aquatic Wetl. Pl. SW U.S.: , fig. 29 (1972) [M. Barnas-Pomeroy]
431939Lemna trisulca L.
D.S. Correll, H.B. Correll, Aquatic Wetl. Pl. SW U.S.: , fig. 290 (1972) [M. Barnas-Pomeroy]
431941Lemna minutaKunth [Lemna minima Phil.]
D.S. Correll, H.B. Correll, Aquatic Wetl. Pl. SW U.S.: , fig. 292 (1972) [M. Barnas-Pomeroy]
431942Lemna minor L.
D.S. Correll, H.B. Correll, Aquatic Wetl. Pl. SW U.S.: , fig. 293 a-i (1972) [M. Barnas-Pomeroy]
432753Lemna perpusilla Torrey
D.S. Correll, H.B. Correll, Aquatic Wetl. Pl. SW U.S.: , fig. 293 j-u (1972) [M. Barnas-Pomeroy]
431943Lemna gibba L.
D.S. Correll, H.B. Correll, Aquatic Wetl. Pl. SW U.S.: , fig. 294 (1972) [M. Barnas-Pomeroy]
431954Eichhornia crassipes (Mart.) Solms {80 830339 Pontederia crassipes Mart.}
D.S. Correll, H.B. Correll, Aquatic Wetl. Pl. SW U.S.: , fig. 305 (1972) [M. Barnas-Pomeroy]
431956Heteranthera dubia (Jacq.) MacMill. {81 266945 Commelina dubia Jacq.}
D.S. Correll, H.B. Correll, Aquatic Wetl. Pl. SW U.S.: , fig. 307 (1972) [M. Barnas-Pomeroy]
431679Potamogeton latifolius test 8 (J.W.Robbins) Morong {81 832634 Potamogeton pectinatus variety latifolius J.W.Robbins}
D.S. Correll, H.B. Correll, Aquatic Wetl. Pl. SW U.S.: , fig. 31 (1972) [M. Barnas-Pomeroy]
431681Potamogeton pectinatus test 8 L.
D.S. Correll, H.B. Correll, Aquatic Wetl. Pl. SW U.S.: , fig. 33 (1972) [M. Barnas-Pomeroy]
431682Potamogeton crispus L.
D.S. Correll, H.B. Correll, Aquatic Wetl. Pl. SW U.S.: , fig. 34 (1972) [M. Barnas-Pomeroy]
43168320__0_431683 Potamogeton foliosus test 18 {0}
D.S. Correll, H.B. Correll, Aquatic Wetl. Pl. SW U.S.: , fig. 35 (1972) [M. Barnas-Pomeroy]
431684Potamogeton pusillus L.
D.S. Correll, H.B. Correll, Aquatic Wetl. Pl. SW U.S.: , fig. 36 (1972) [M. Barnas-Pomeroy]
432012Habenaria sparsiflora test 8 S. Watson
D.S. Correll, H.B. Correll, Aquatic Wetl. Pl. SW U.S.: , fig. 363 (1972) [M. Barnas-Pomeroy]
432015Epipactis gigantea Douglas ex Hook.
D.S. Correll, H.B. Correll, Aquatic Wetl. Pl. SW U.S.: , fig. 366 (1972) [M. Barnas-Pomeroy]
432020Spiranthes romanzoffiana Cham.
D.S. Correll, H.B. Correll, Aquatic Wetl. Pl. SW U.S.: , fig. 371 (1972) [M. Barnas-Pomeroy]
43168620__0_431686 Potamogeton berchtoldii test 18 {0}
D.S. Correll, H.B. Correll, Aquatic Wetl. Pl. SW U.S.: , fig. 38 (1972) [M. Barnas-Pomeroy]
431687Potamogeton diversifolius Raf.
D.S. Correll, H.B. Correll, Aquatic Wetl. Pl. SW U.S.: , fig. 39 (1972) [M. Barnas-Pomeroy]
432051Rumex crispus L.
D.S. Correll, H.B. Correll, Aquatic Wetl. Pl. SW U.S.: , fig. 400 (1972) [M. Barnas-Pomeroy]
432056Polygonum argyrocoleon Steudel ex Kunze
D.S. Correll, H.B. Correll, Aquatic Wetl. Pl. SW U.S.: , fig. 405 (1972) [M. Barnas-Pomeroy]
432057Polygonum bistortoides test 8 Pursh
D.S. Correll, H.B. Correll, Aquatic Wetl. Pl. SW U.S.: , fig. 406 (1972) [M. Barnas-Pomeroy]
432059Polygonum amphibium test 8 L.
D.S. Correll, H.B. Correll, Aquatic Wetl. Pl. SW U.S.: , fig. 408 (1972) [M. Barnas-Pomeroy]
432060Polygonum amphibium test 8 L.
D.S. Correll, H.B. Correll, Aquatic Wetl. Pl. SW U.S.: , fig. 409 (1972) [M. Barnas-Pomeroy]
431689Potamogeton amplifolius Tuck.
D.S. Correll, H.B. Correll, Aquatic Wetl. Pl. SW U.S.: , fig. 41 (1972) [M. Barnas-Pomeroy]
432061Polygonum lapathifolium test 8 L.
D.S. Correll, H.B. Correll, Aquatic Wetl. Pl. SW U.S.: , fig. 410 (1972) [M. Barnas-Pomeroy]
432063Polygonum punctatum test 8 Elliott
D.S. Correll, H.B. Correll, Aquatic Wetl. Pl. SW U.S.: , fig. 412 (1972) [M. Barnas-Pomeroy]
432064Polygonum hydropiper test 8 L.
D.S. Correll, H.B. Correll, Aquatic Wetl. Pl. SW U.S.: , fig. 413 (1972) [M. Barnas-Pomeroy]
432065Polygonum persicaria test 8 L.
D.S. Correll, H.B. Correll, Aquatic Wetl. Pl. SW U.S.: , fig. 414 (1972) [M. Barnas-Pomeroy]
432067Polygonum hydropiperoides test 8 Michx.
D.S. Correll, H.B. Correll, Aquatic Wetl. Pl. SW U.S.: , fig. 416 (1972) [M. Barnas-Pomeroy]
432069Salicornia bigelovii Torrey
D.S. Correll, H.B. Correll, Aquatic Wetl. Pl. SW U.S.: , fig. 418 (1972) [M. Barnas-Pomeroy]
431690Potamogeton nodosus Poiret
D.S. Correll, H.B. Correll, Aquatic Wetl. Pl. SW U.S.: , fig. 42 (1972) [M. Barnas-Pomeroy]
432071Allenrolfea occidentalis (S. Watson) Kuntze {80 492710 Halostachys occidentalis S. Watson}
D.S. Correll, H.B. Correll, Aquatic Wetl. Pl. SW U.S.: , fig. 420 (1972) [M. Barnas-Pomeroy]
432073Bassia hyssopifolia (Pallas) Kuntze {81 901324 Salsola hyssopifolia Pallas}
D.S. Correll, H.B. Correll, Aquatic Wetl. Pl. SW U.S.: , fig. 422 (1972) [M. Barnas-Pomeroy]
432076Atriplex patula (L.) A. Gray var. hastata {110 118272 Atriplex patula L.}
D.S. Correll, H.B. Correll, Aquatic Wetl. Pl. SW U.S.: , fig. 424 (1972) [M. Barnas-Pomeroy]
432090Montia chamissoi (Ledeb. ex Sprengel) Greene {80 251261 Claytonia chamissoi Ledeb. ex Sprengel}
D.S. Correll, H.B. Correll, Aquatic Wetl. Pl. SW U.S.: , fig. 435 A (1972) [M. Barnas-Pomeroy]
431692Potamogeton gramineus L.
D.S. Correll, H.B. Correll, Aquatic Wetl. Pl. SW U.S.: , fig. 44 (1972) [M. Barnas-Pomeroy]
432103Nuphar lutea(L.) Sm. var. polysepalum [Nuphar luteum Sibth. & Sm. var. polysepalum]
D.S. Correll, H.B. Correll, Aquatic Wetl. Pl. SW U.S.: , fig. 444 (1972) [M. Barnas-Pomeroy]
432107Ceratophyllum demersum L.
D.S. Correll, H.B. Correll, Aquatic Wetl. Pl. SW U.S.: , fig. 448 (1972) [M. Barnas-Pomeroy]
431693Potamogeton natans L.
D.S. Correll, H.B. Correll, Aquatic Wetl. Pl. SW U.S.: , fig. 45 (1972) [M. Barnas-Pomeroy]
432111Myosurus cupulatus S. Watson
D.S. Correll, H.B. Correll, Aquatic Wetl. Pl. SW U.S.: , fig. 452 a-f (1972) [M. Barnas-Pomeroy]
432568Myosurus minimus Greene var. filiformis
D.S. Correll, H.B. Correll, Aquatic Wetl. Pl. SW U.S.: , fig. 452 g-m (1972) [M. Barnas-Pomeroy]
432112Myosurus apetalusBenth. subsp. montanus [Myosurus aristatus (G.R.Campb.) D.E.Stone in H.Mason subsp. montanus] {-1}
D.S. Correll, H.B. Correll, Aquatic Wetl. Pl. SW U.S.: , fig. 453 a-h (1972) [M. Barnas-Pomeroy]
432569Myosurus apetalusGay [Myosurus aristatus Benth.]
D.S. Correll, H.B. Correll, Aquatic Wetl. Pl. SW U.S.: , fig. 453 i-m (1972) [M. Barnas-Pomeroy]
432113Myosurus minimus L.
D.S. Correll, H.B. Correll, Aquatic Wetl. Pl. SW U.S.: , fig. 454 (1972) [M. Barnas-Pomeroy]
432114Ranunculus repens L.
D.S. Correll, H.B. Correll, Aquatic Wetl. Pl. SW U.S.: , fig. 455 (1972) [M. Barnas-Pomeroy]
432119Ranunculus muricatus L.
D.S. Correll, H.B. Correll, Aquatic Wetl. Pl. SW U.S.: , fig. 459 (1972) [M. Barnas-Pomeroy]
431694Zannichellia palustris L.
D.S. Correll, H.B. Correll, Aquatic Wetl. Pl. SW U.S.: , fig. 46 (1972) [M. Barnas-Pomeroy]
43212020__0_432120 Ranunculus flammula test 18 {-1}
D.S. Correll, H.B. Correll, Aquatic Wetl. Pl. SW U.S.: , fig. 460 (1972) [M. Barnas-Pomeroy]
432123Ranunculus sceleratus L.
D.S. Correll, H.B. Correll, Aquatic Wetl. Pl. SW U.S.: , fig. 463 (1972) [M. Barnas-Pomeroy]
432124Ranunculus cymbalaria Fernald var. saximontanus
D.S. Correll, H.B. Correll, Aquatic Wetl. Pl. SW U.S.: , fig. 464 (1972) [M. Barnas-Pomeroy]
432125Ranunculus aquatilis L. var. hispidulosus
D.S. Correll, H.B. Correll, Aquatic Wetl. Pl. SW U.S.: , fig. 465 a-d (1972) [M. Barnas-Pomeroy]
432571Ranunculus aquatilis (Thuill.) DC. var. capillaceus {-1}
D.S. Correll, H.B. Correll, Aquatic Wetl. Pl. SW U.S.: , fig. 465 e-h (1972) [M. Barnas-Pomeroy]
432132Rorippa nasturtium-aquaticum test 8 (L.) Hayek {81 951841 Sisymbrium nasturtium-aquaticum L.}
D.S. Correll, H.B. Correll, Aquatic Wetl. Pl. SW U.S.: , fig. 472 (1972) [M. Barnas-Pomeroy]
432142Crassula aquatica (L.) Schönland [Tillaea aquatica L.]
D.S. Correll, H.B. Correll, Aquatic Wetl. Pl. SW U.S.: , fig. 481 (1972) [M. Barnas-Pomeroy]
431697Ruppia maritima L.
D.S. Correll, H.B. Correll, Aquatic Wetl. Pl. SW U.S.: , fig. 49 (1972) [M. Barnas-Pomeroy]
432157Potentilla anserina L.
D.S. Correll, H.B. Correll, Aquatic Wetl. Pl. SW U.S.: , fig. 495 (1972) [M. Barnas-Pomeroy]
431698Najas marinaL. [Najas maritima Pallas]
D.S. Correll, H.B. Correll, Aquatic Wetl. Pl. SW U.S.: , fig. 50 (1972) [M. Barnas-Pomeroy]
431699Najas guadalupensis (Sprengel) Magnus {-1}
D.S. Correll, H.B. Correll, Aquatic Wetl. Pl. SW U.S.: , fig. 51 (1972) [M. Barnas-Pomeroy]
432173Callitriche hermaphroditica L.
D.S. Correll, H.B. Correll, Aquatic Wetl. Pl. SW U.S.: , fig. 510 (1972) [M. Barnas-Pomeroy]
432174Callitriche palustrisL. [Callitriche verna L.]
D.S. Correll, H.B. Correll, Aquatic Wetl. Pl. SW U.S.: , fig. 511 (1972) [M. Barnas-Pomeroy]
432176Callitriche terrestris Raf.
D.S. Correll, H.B. Correll, Aquatic Wetl. Pl. SW U.S.: , fig. 513 a,b (1972) [M. Barnas-Pomeroy]
431700Najas flexilis (Willd.) Rostk. & W.L.E.Schmidt {80 1124369 Caulinia flexilis Willd.}
D.S. Correll, H.B. Correll, Aquatic Wetl. Pl. SW U.S.: , fig. 52 (1972) [M. Barnas-Pomeroy]
432190Hypericum anagalloides Cham. & Schltdl.
D.S. Correll, H.B. Correll, Aquatic Wetl. Pl. SW U.S.: , fig. 525 (1972) [M. Barnas-Pomeroy]
432197Elatine californica A. Gray
D.S. Correll, H.B. Correll, Aquatic Wetl. Pl. SW U.S.: , fig. 532 (1972) [M. Barnas-Pomeroy]
432198Elatine brachysperma A. Gray
D.S. Correll, H.B. Correll, Aquatic Wetl. Pl. SW U.S.: , fig. 533 (1972) [M. Barnas-Pomeroy]
432199Elatine triandraSchkuhr [Elatine chilensis Gay]
D.S. Correll, H.B. Correll, Aquatic Wetl. Pl. SW U.S.: , fig. 534 (1972) [M. Barnas-Pomeroy]
432200Bergia texana (Hook.) Seub. {80 660938 Merimea texana Hook.}
D.S. Correll, H.B. Correll, Aquatic Wetl. Pl. SW U.S.: , fig. 535 (1972) [M. Barnas-Pomeroy]
431702Triglochin maritima L.
D.S. Correll, H.B. Correll, Aquatic Wetl. Pl. SW U.S.: , fig. 54 (1972) [M. Barnas-Pomeroy]
432207Ammannia auriculata Willd.
D.S. Correll, H.B. Correll, Aquatic Wetl. Pl. SW U.S.: , fig. 542 a-c (1972) [M. Barnas-Pomeroy]
432484Ammannia coccinea Rottb.
D.S. Correll, H.B. Correll, Aquatic Wetl. Pl. SW U.S.: , fig. 542 d-f (1972) [M. Barnas-Pomeroy]
432209Rotala ramosior (L.) Koehne {80 52984 Ammannia ramosior L.}
D.S. Correll, H.B. Correll, Aquatic Wetl. Pl. SW U.S.: , fig. 544 a-g (1972) [M. Barnas-Pomeroy]
432485Rotala indica (Willd.) Koehne {80 768303 Peplis indica Willd.}
D.S. Correll, H.B. Correll, Aquatic Wetl. Pl. SW U.S.: , fig. 544 h,1 (1972) [M. Barnas-Pomeroy]
432210Rotala ramosior(L.) Koehne [Rotala dentifera (A. Gray) Koehne] {80 52900 Ammannia dentifera A. Gray}
D.S. Correll, H.B. Correll, Aquatic Wetl. Pl. SW U.S.: , fig. 545 (1972) [M. Barnas-Pomeroy]
432231Myriophyllum aquaticum(Vell.) Verdc. [Myriophyllum brasiliense Cambess.]
D.S. Correll, H.B. Correll, Aquatic Wetl. Pl. SW U.S.: , fig. 566 (1972) [M. Barnas-Pomeroy]
432233Myriophyllum sibiricumKom. [Myriophyllum exalbescens Fernald]
D.S. Correll, H.B. Correll, Aquatic Wetl. Pl. SW U.S.: , fig. 568 (1972) [M. Barnas-Pomeroy]
432234Myriophyllum verticillatum L.
D.S. Correll, H.B. Correll, Aquatic Wetl. Pl. SW U.S.: , fig. 569 (1972) [M. Barnas-Pomeroy]
431705Echinodorus berteroi(Sprengel) Fassett [Echinodorus rostratus (Nutt.) Engelm.] {81 38346 Alisma rostratum Nutt.}
D.S. Correll, H.B. Correll, Aquatic Wetl. Pl. SW U.S.: , fig. 57 (1972) [M. Barnas-Pomeroy]
43224020__0_432240 Hydrocotyle verticillata test 18 {-1}
D.S. Correll, H.B. Correll, Aquatic Wetl. Pl. SW U.S.: , fig. 574 B (1972) [M. Barnas-Pomeroy]
43224120__0_432241 Hydrocotyle ranunculoides test 18 {0}
D.S. Correll, H.B. Correll, Aquatic Wetl. Pl. SW U.S.: , fig. 575 (1972) [M. Barnas-Pomeroy]
432275Samolus valerandiL. [Samolus parviflorus Raf.]
D.S. Correll, H.B. Correll, Aquatic Wetl. Pl. SW U.S.: , fig. 609 (1972) [M. Barnas-Pomeroy]
432279Lysimachia maritima (L.) Galasso, Banfi & Soldano [Glaux maritima L.]
D.S. Correll, H.B. Correll, Aquatic Wetl. Pl. SW U.S.: , fig. 613 (1972) [M. Barnas-Pomeroy]
431712Sagittaria latifolia Willd.
D.S. Correll, H.B. Correll, Aquatic Wetl. Pl. SW U.S.: , fig. 64 (1972) [M. Barnas-Pomeroy]
432671Sagittaria latifolia (Engelm.) Wiegand var. obtusa {-1}
D.S. Correll, H.B. Correll, Aquatic Wetl. Pl. SW U.S.: , fig. 65 a,c-f (1972) [M. Barnas-Pomeroy]
431713Sagittaria latifolia Willd.
D.S. Correll, H.B. Correll, Aquatic Wetl. Pl. SW U.S.: , fig. 65 a,c-f (1972) [M. Barnas-Pomeroy]
432323Phyla nodiflora test 17 (L.) Greene {80 1054431 Verbena nodiflora L.}
D.S. Correll, H.B. Correll, Aquatic Wetl. Pl. SW U.S.: , fig. 656 (1972) [M. Barnas-Pomeroy]
431715Sagittaria longilobaEngelm. ex J.G.Sm. [Sagittaria greggii J.G.Sm.]
D.S. Correll, H.B. Correll, Aquatic Wetl. Pl. SW U.S.: , fig. 67 (1972) [M. Barnas-Pomeroy]
432340Lycopus uniflorus Michx.
D.S. Correll, H.B. Correll, Aquatic Wetl. Pl. SW U.S.: , fig. 672 (1972) [M. Barnas-Pomeroy]
432345Mentha rotundifolia (L.) Huds. {81 659726 Mentha spicata variety rotundifolia L.}
D.S. Correll, H.B. Correll, Aquatic Wetl. Pl. SW U.S.: , fig. 677 (1972) [M. Barnas-Pomeroy]
432352Limosella acaulis Sessé & Moc.
D.S. Correll, H.B. Correll, Aquatic Wetl. Pl. SW U.S.: , fig. 684 (1972) [M. Barnas-Pomeroy]
432353Limosella aquatica L.
D.S. Correll, H.B. Correll, Aquatic Wetl. Pl. SW U.S.: , fig. 685 (1972) [M. Barnas-Pomeroy]
431717Sagittaria cuneata E.Sheld.
D.S. Correll, H.B. Correll, Aquatic Wetl. Pl. SW U.S.: , fig. 69 (1972) [M. Barnas-Pomeroy]
432365Mimulus guttatus Fischer ex DC.
D.S. Correll, H.B. Correll, Aquatic Wetl. Pl. SW U.S.: , fig. 697 (1972) [M. Barnas-Pomeroy]
432366Lindernia dubia(L.) Pennell [Lindernia anagallidea (Michx.) Pennell] {80 479061 Gratiola anagallidea Michx.}
D.S. Correll, H.B. Correll, Aquatic Wetl. Pl. SW U.S.: , fig. 698 (1972) [M. Barnas-Pomeroy]
432545Veronica peregrina L.
D.S. Correll, H.B. Correll, Aquatic Wetl. Pl. SW U.S.: , fig. 700 a-d (1972) [M. Barnas-Pomeroy]
432546Veronica peregrina L.
D.S. Correll, H.B. Correll, Aquatic Wetl. Pl. SW U.S.: , fig. 700 a-d (1972) [M. Barnas-Pomeroy]
432547Veronica peregrina L.
D.S. Correll, H.B. Correll, Aquatic Wetl. Pl. SW U.S.: , fig. 700 a-d (1972) [M. Barnas-Pomeroy]
432368Veronica peregrina L.
D.S. Correll, H.B. Correll, Aquatic Wetl. Pl. SW U.S.: , fig. 700 a-d (1972) [M. Barnas-Pomeroy]
432548Veronica americana Schwein. ex Benth.
D.S. Correll, H.B. Correll, Aquatic Wetl. Pl. SW U.S.: , fig. 700 e-g (1972) [M. Barnas-Pomeroy]
432369Veronica anagallis-aquatica L.
D.S. Correll, H.B. Correll, Aquatic Wetl. Pl. SW U.S.: , fig. 701 (1972) [M. Barnas-Pomeroy]
432374Castilleja minor (A. Gray) A. Gray {80 211427 Castilleja affinis variety minor A. Gray}
D.S. Correll, H.B. Correll, Aquatic Wetl. Pl. SW U.S.: , fig. 706 a-i (1972) [M. Barnas-Pomeroy]
432551Castilleja exilis A.Nelson
D.S. Correll, H.B. Correll, Aquatic Wetl. Pl. SW U.S.: , fig. 706 j-o (1972) [M. Barnas-Pomeroy]
432381Utricularia vulgaris L.
D.S. Correll, H.B. Correll, Aquatic Wetl. Pl. SW U.S.: , fig. 713 (1972) [M. Barnas-Pomeroy]
432382Utricularia gibba L.
D.S. Correll, H.B. Correll, Aquatic Wetl. Pl. SW U.S.: , fig. 714 (1972) [M. Barnas-Pomeroy]
432383Utricularia gibbaL. [Utricularia fibrosa Walter]
D.S. Correll, H.B. Correll, Aquatic Wetl. Pl. SW U.S.: , fig. 715 (1972) [M. Barnas-Pomeroy]
432391Galium trifidum L.
D.S. Correll, H.B. Correll, Aquatic Wetl. Pl. SW U.S.: , fig. 722 (1972) [M. Barnas-Pomeroy]
431722Egeria densa test 17 Planchon
D.S. Correll, H.B. Correll, Aquatic Wetl. Pl. SW U.S.: , fig. 73 (1972) [M. Barnas-Pomeroy]
432409Lobelia cardinalis (Lam.) McVaugh var. graminea {-1}
D.S. Correll, H.B. Correll, Aquatic Wetl. Pl. SW U.S.: , fig. 739 (1972) [M. Barnas-Pomeroy]
432410Porterella carnosula test 17 (Hook. & Arn.) Torrey {80 614520 Lobelia carnosula Hook. & Arn.}
D.S. Correll, H.B. Correll, Aquatic Wetl. Pl. SW U.S.: , fig. 740 (1972) [M. Barnas-Pomeroy]
432420Aster subulatus (Michx.) Hort. ex Michx. {80 1220065 Symphyotrichum subulatus Michx.}
D.S. Correll, H.B. Correll, Aquatic Wetl. Pl. SW U.S.: , fig. 750 (1972) [M. Barnas-Pomeroy]
Erigeron philadelphicus L.
D.S. Correll, H.B. Correll, Aquatic Wetl. Pl. SW U.S.: , fig. 751 (1972) [M. Barnas-Pomeroy]
432423Pluchea sericea (Nutt.) Cov. [Tessaria sericea (Nutt.) Shinners] {80 823918 Polypappus sericeus Nutt.}
D.S. Correll, H.B. Correll, Aquatic Wetl. Pl. SW U.S.: , fig. 753 (1972) [M. Barnas-Pomeroy]
432437Bidens laevis (L.) Britton {80 500994 Helianthus laevis L.}
D.S. Correll, H.B. Correll, Aquatic Wetl. Pl. SW U.S.: , fig. 767 (1972) [M. Barnas-Pomeroy]
432438Bidens cernua L.
D.S. Correll, H.B. Correll, Aquatic Wetl. Pl. SW U.S.: , fig. 768 (1972) [M. Barnas-Pomeroy]
43244120__0_432441 Bidens frondosa test 18 {0}
D.S. Correll, H.B. Correll, Aquatic Wetl. Pl. SW U.S.: , fig. 771 (1972) [M. Barnas-Pomeroy]
432449Cotula coronopifolia L.
D.S. Correll, H.B. Correll, Aquatic Wetl. Pl. SW U.S.: , fig. 779 (1972) [M. Barnas-Pomeroy]
431730Glyceria borealis (Nash) Batch. {81 1193765 Panicularia borealis Nash}
D.S. Correll, H.B. Correll, Aquatic Wetl. Pl. SW U.S.: , fig. 80 (1972) [M. Barnas-Pomeroy]
431732Glyceria grandis S. Watson
D.S. Correll, H.B. Correll, Aquatic Wetl. Pl. SW U.S.: , fig. 82 (1972) [M. Barnas-Pomeroy]
431733Glyceria pauciflora test 8 J. Presl
D.S. Correll, H.B. Correll, Aquatic Wetl. Pl. SW U.S.: , fig. 83 (1972) [M. Barnas-Pomeroy]
431736Eragrostis hypnoides (Lam.) Britton, Stern & Poggenb. {80 814519 Poa hypnoides Lam.}
D.S. Correll, H.B. Correll, Aquatic Wetl. Pl. SW U.S.: , fig. 86 (1972) [M. Barnas-Pomeroy]
431739Distichlis spicata (L.) Greene {80 1042630 Uniola spicata L.}
D.S. Correll, H.B. Correll, Aquatic Wetl. Pl. SW U.S.: , fig. 89 (1972) [M. Barnas-Pomeroy]
431743Phragmites australis(Cav.) Trin. ex Steudel [Phragmites communis Trin.]
D.S. Correll, H.B. Correll, Aquatic Wetl. Pl. SW U.S.: , fig. 93 (1972) [M. Barnas-Pomeroy]
431744Phragmites australis(Cav.) Trin. ex Steudel [Phragmites communis Trin.]
D.S. Correll, H.B. Correll, Aquatic Wetl. Pl. SW U.S.: , fig. 94 (1972) [M. Barnas-Pomeroy]
431746Elymus triticoides test 8 Buckley
D.S. Correll, H.B. Correll, Aquatic Wetl. Pl. SW U.S.: , fig. 96 (1972) [M. Barnas-Pomeroy]