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from L. setosus (from seta, bristle), covered with bristles or stiff hairs

There were 139 illustrations found for epithet setosus,-a,-um

2 36440 Albuca setosa Jacq.
W. Curtis, Bot. Mag., vol. 36 : t. 1481 (1812) [S.T. Edwards]
93236 559032 Iris setosa Pallas ex Link
W. Curtis, Bot. Mag., vol. 49 : t. 2326 (1822) [J. Curtis]
506047 473591 Gomphocarpus fruticosus (L.) Aiton f. [181 96770 Asclepias setosa Forssk.]
W. Curtis, Bot. Mag., vol. 123 [ser. 3, vol. 53]: t. 7536 (1897) [M. Smith]
72202 877572 Rhododendron setosum D. Don
W. Curtis, Bot. Mag., vol. 139 [ser. 4, vol. 9]: t. 8523 (1913) [M. Smith]
52962 368558 Echeveria setosa Rose & Purpus
W. Curtis, Bot. Mag., vol. 144 [ser. 4, vol. 14]: t. 8748 (1918) [M. Smith]
111306 800152 Piptochaetium panicoides (Lam.) É. Desv. [125 980949 Stipa panicoides Lam.]
C.F.P. von Martius, A.G. Eichler, I. Urban, Fl. Bras., vol. 2(3): fasicle 79, (Gramineae II): p. 4, t. 1 (1878) [J. Huegel & J.C. Doell]
146192 124586 Bactris setosa Mart.
C.F.P. von Martius, A.G. Eichler, I. Urban, Fl. Bras., vol. 3(2): fasicle 85, (Lemnaceae; Araceae; Cyclanthaceae, Palmae): t. 73, fig. II (1881) [C.G.O. Drude]
300032 296069 Ctenanthe setosa (Roscoe) Eichler [80 782871 Phrynium setosum Roscoe]
C.F.P. von Martius, A.G. Eichler, I. Urban, Fl. Bras., vol. 3(3): fasicle 107, (Musaceae, Zingiberaceae, Cannaceae, Marantaceae; Bromeliaceae; Typhaceae; Triuridaceae, Lilaeaceae, Potamogetonaceae, Zannichelliaceae, Najadaceae, Ceratophyllaceae, Batidaceae, Goodenoughiaceae, Cornaceae): t. 45, fig. III (1890) [Eichler]
335106 101620 Aspilia montevidensis (Sprengel) Kuntze [80 101679 Aspilia setosa Griseb.]
C.F.P. von Martius, A.G. Eichler, I. Urban, Fl. Bras., vol. 6(3): fasicle 93, (Compositae, III - IV): t. 63 (1884)
142246 230048 Chamaecrista setosa (Vogel) H.S.Irwin & Barneby [125 209974 Cassia setosa Vogel]
C.F.P. von Martius, A.G. Eichler, I. Urban, Fl. Bras., vol. 15(2): fasicle 50, (Leguminosae II et III, Swartzieae, Caesalpinieae, Mimoseae): t. 41 (1870)
474522 124586 Bactris setosa Mart.
C.F.P. von Martius, Hist. Nat. Palm., vol. 2 : t. 72 (1839)
4608412 882082 Ribes oxyacanthoides L. [80 882217 Ribes setosum Lindl.]
J. Lindley, Edwards’s Bot. Reg., vol. 15 : t. 1237 (1829) [J. Lindley]
275922 559032 Iris setosa Pallas ex Link
J. Lindley, Edwards’s Bot. Reg., vol. 33 : t. 10 (1847) [S.A. Drake]
387755 437842 Ficus hirta Vahl
W.J. Hooker, G.A.W. Arnott, Bot. Beechey Voy.: t. 49 (1841) [W.J. Hooker]
294572 667770 Microlicia setosa DC.
C.P.F. von Martius, Nov. Gen. Sp. Pl. Bras., Plates, vol. 3 : t. 253 (1832)
1296896 312808 Cyphostemma setosum (Roxb.) Alston [125 248425 Cissus setosa Roxb.]
R. Wight, , Icon. Pl. Ind. Orient., vol. 1 : t. 170 (1846) [Rungia]
1304482 1496077 Lettsomia setosa Roxb. [0]
R. Wight, , Icon. Pl. Ind. Orient., vol. 4 : t. 1360 (1846) [Govindoo]
3789362 1083544 Zornia setosa Baker f.
Fl. Congo Belge, vol. 5 : p. 355, t. 27 (1954) [J.M. Lerinckx]
1783432 296069 Ctenanthe setosa (Roscoe) Eichler [80 782871 Phrynium setosum Roscoe]
H.G.A. Engler, Pflanzenr., vol. 48 [Heft 11], (Marantaceae): p. 154, fig. 19 A,B (1902)
1821402 242466 Chytranthus setosus Radlk.
H.G.A. Engler, Pflanzenr., vol. 165(a): [Heft 98], (Sapindaceae): p. 785, fig. 18 (1941)
1865092 299018 Cuphea setosa Koehne
H.G.A. Engler, Pflanzenr., vol. 216 [Heft 17], (Lythraceae): p. 111, fig. 15 D (1903) [B.A.E. Koehne]
465902 877572 Rhododendron setosum D. Don
J.D. Hooker, Rhododendr. Sikkim-Himalaya: t. 20 (1849) [J.D. Hooker]
488525 372954 Echium creticum L.
A. Raffeneau-Delile, Descr. Egypte, Hist. Nat., vol. 3 (Plates): t. 17 (1813) [H.J. Redouté]
501276 844526 Pseuduvaria setosa (King) J. Sinclair [125 727412 Orophea setosa King]
Ann. Roy. Bot. Gard. (Calcutta), vol. 4 : t. 131 (1893) [A.D. Chowdhury]
567542 368558 Echeveria setosa Rose & Purpus
Addisonia, vol. 1 : t. 6 (1916) [M.E. Eaton]
1460426 791179 Pilocereus setosus Gürke
C.L. Loddiges, Bot. Cab., vol. 19 : t. 1887 (1827) [?]
596782 124586 Bactris setosa Mart.
J. Barbosa Rodrigues, Sert. Palm. Bras., vol. 2 : t. 28 (1903) [J. Barbosa Rodrigues]
5974358 124586 Bactris setosa Mart.
J. Barbosa Rodrigues, Sert. Palm. Bras., vol. 2 : t. 28 (1903) [J. Barbosa Rodrigues]
622286 296069 Ctenanthe setosa (Roscoe) Eichler [125 782871 Phrynium setosum Roscoe]
W. Roscoe, Monandr. Pl. Scitam.: (1854) [W. Sharp]
789492 36440 Albuca setosa Jacq.
N.J. von Jacquin, Icon. Pl. Rar., vol. 2 : t. 440 (1786)
805162 774480 Phaeoneuron setosum (Hook.f.) Stapf [80 336855 Dicellandra setosa Hook.f.]
J. Linn. Soc., Bot., vol. 34 (x): t. 19 (1900) [M. Smith]
977501 557293 Ipomoea setosa Ker Gawl.
S.T. Edwards, Bot. Reg., vol. 4 : t. 335 (1818) [S. Edwards]
1019992 716394 Onosma setosa Ledeb.
C.F. von Ledebour, Icon. Pl. (Ledebour), vol. 2 : t. 196 (1830)
1056012 643277 Margyricarpus setosus Ruiz & Pavon
J.C. Mutis, Draw. Roy. Bot. Exped. Granada: t. 2699 (1783)
1032391 478348 Grammitis setosa Blume
C.L. Blume, Fl. Javae, vol. 1 : t. 48 (1828)
3801722 1003065 Telipogon setosus Ames
Bot. Mus. Leafl., vol. 6 : p. 31 (1938) [B. Ames]
3826696 36440 Albuca setosa Jacq.
H.G.A. Engler, O. Drude, Veg. Erde, vol. 9(2): : p. 302, fig. 204 (1908)
4022522 559032 Iris setosa Pallas ex Link
V.L. Komarov (Komorov), Fl. URSS, vol. 4 : p. 521, t. 32, fig. 6 (1934-1964)
4015212 180438 Calligonum setosum (Litv.) Litv. [0]
V.L. Komarov (Komorov), Fl. URSS, vol. 5 : p. 575, t. 35, fig. 4 (1934-1964)
4015411 823371 Polygonum setosum Jacq.
V.L. Komarov (Komorov), Fl. URSS, vol. 5 : p. 605, t. 38, fig. 3 (1934-1964)
1383506 81146 Arcytophyllum setosum (Ruiz & Pavon) Schltdl. [125 498367 Hedyotis setosa Ruiz & Pavon]
H. Ruíz López, J.A. Pavon, Fl. Peruv., vol. 1 (Plates 1-152): p. 57, t. 88, fig. b (1798) [J. Brunette]
1206862 643277 Margyricarpus setosus Ruiz & Pavon
H. Ruíz López, J.A. Pavon, Fl. Peruv., vol. 1 (Plates 1-152): p. 28, t. 8, fig. d (1798) [I. Galvez]
1872522 643277 Margyricarpus setosus Ruiz & Pavon
H. Ruíz López, J.A. Pavon, Fl. Peruv., vol. 1(coloured version): (Plates 1-152): p. 28, t. 8, fig. d (1798)
1873486 81146 Arcytophyllum setosum (Ruiz & Pavon) Schltdl. [125 498367 Hedyotis setosa Ruiz & Pavon]
H. Ruíz López, J.A. Pavon, Fl. Peruv., vol. 1(coloured version): (Plates 1-152): p. 57, t. 88, fig. b (1798)
1469522 643277 Margyricarpus setosus Ruiz & Pavon
H.E. Baillon, Hist. Pl., vol. 1 : p. 363, fig. 409-410 (1866) [A. Faguet]
4088622 1189118 Micropolypodium setosum (Kaulf.) A.R. Sm. [80 1077649 Xiphopteris setosa Kaulf.]
Novon, vol. 2 : p. 420, fig. 1C (1992) [L. Vorobik]
1274156 1218583 Spiesia setosa (Pall.) Kuntze [80 113668 Astragalus setosus Pallas]
P.S. Pallas, Sp. Astragal.: t. 44 (1800-1803) [C.G.H. Geissler]
1377856 287202 Crepis setosa Haller f.
J. Kops, Fl. Bat., vol. 23 : t. 1793 (1911)
3878836 47733 Alsophila setosa Kaulf.
Contr. Gray Herb., vol. 203 : p. 117, fig. 58-61 () [L.V. Wunsch]
1496392 287202 Crepis setosa Haller f.
J. Sturm, E.H.L. Krause, K.G. Lutz, Deutschl. Fl., ed. 2, vol. 14 : t. 52, fig. a,c,g (1906)
1529411 823371 Polygonum setosum Jacq.
N.J. von Jacquin, Observ. Bot. (Jacquin), vol. 3 : t. 57 (1767)
1537642 287202 Crepis setosa Haller f.
J.E. Smith, Engl. Bot., ed. 3, vol. 5 : t. 817 (1866)
1618916 312808 Cyphostemma setosum (Roxb.) Alston [125 248425 Cissus setosa Roxb.]
K.R. Kirtikar, B.D. Basu, Ind. Med. Pl., Plates, vol. 2 : t. 251 (1918)
1622412 877572 Rhododendron setosum D. Don
K.R. Kirtikar, B.D. Basu, Ind. Med. Pl., Plates, vol. 3 : t. 572, fig. B (1918)
1613185 19048 Acystopteris tenuisecta (Blume) Tagawa [116 100887 Aspidium tenuisectum Blume]
R.H. Beddome, Ferns Brit. India, vol. 2 : t. 262 (1866) [Govindoo]
1613686 19048 Acystopteris tenuisecta (Blume) Tagawa [125 100887 Aspidium tenuisectum Blume]
R.H. Beddome, Ferns Brit. India, vol. 2 : t. 312 (1866)
2347266 761351 Pelargonium setosum DC.
R. Sweet, Geraniaceae, vol. 1 : t. 38 (1822) [E.D. Smith]
1651122 716394 Onosma setosa Ledeb.
G.B. Knowles, Fl. Cab., vol. 3 : t. 111 (1840)
38173816 163164 Bulbinella nutans (Thunb.) T.Durand & Schinz [117 69031 Anthericum nutans Thunb.]
I.B. Pole Evans, Fl. Pl. Afr., vol. 24 : t. 930 (1944) [E.K. Burges]
3818362 36440 Albuca setosa Jacq.
I.B. Pole Evans, Fl. Pl. Afr., vol. 26 : t. 1022 (1946) [S. Gower]
3549392 943184 Setaria setosa (Sw.) P. Beauv. [80 745954 Panicum setosum Sw.]
Carlos Bettfreund, Fl. Argent., vol. 3 : t. 125 (1901) [F. Burmeister]
3996871 203892 Carex setosa Boott
Francis Boott, Ill. Carex, vol. 3 : t. 327 (1862)
3996881 203892 Carex setosa Boott
Francis Boott, Ill. Carex, vol. 3 : t. 328 (1862)
3996891 203892 Carex setosa Boott
Francis Boott, Ill. Carex, vol. 3 : t. 329 (1862)
2826512 643277 Margyricarpus setosus Ruiz & Pavon
H. Ruiz, J. Pavón, Draw. Roy. Bot. Exped. Viceroy. Peru: t. 96 [8], fig. d (1777) [I. Galvez]
2821422 554833 Inga setosa G. Don
H. Ruiz, J. Pavón, Draw. Roy. Bot. Exped. Viceroy. Peru: t. 1613 [] (1777) [n.a.]
2806292 643277 Margyricarpus setosus Ruiz & Pavon
H. Ruiz, J. Pavón, Draw. Roy. Bot. Exped. Viceroy. Peru: t. 100 [8] (1777) [I. Galvez]
2827306 81146 Arcytophyllum setosum (Ruiz & Pavon) Schltdl. [125 498367 Hedyotis setosa Ruiz & Pavon]
H. Ruiz, J. Pavón, Draw. Roy. Bot. Exped. Viceroy. Peru: t. 193 [88], fig. b (1777) [J. Rubio]
2822356 296069 Ctenanthe setosa (Roscoe) Eichler [125 782871 Phrynium setosum Roscoe]
H. Ruiz, J. Pavón, Draw. Roy. Bot. Exped. Viceroy. Peru: t. 1706 [] (1777) [X. Cortés y Alcocer]
2807216 81146 Arcytophyllum setosum (Ruiz & Pavon) Schltdl. [125 498367 Hedyotis setosa Ruiz & Pavon]
H. Ruiz, J. Pavón, Draw. Roy. Bot. Exped. Viceroy. Peru: t. 192 [88] (1777) [J. Brunete]
1967176 287202 Crepis setosa Haller f.
A.P. de Candolle, Icon. Pl. Gall. Rar.: t. 19 (1808)
1912362 559032 Iris setosa Pallas ex Link
W.R. Dykes, Iris: p. 92, t. 48, fig. 15 (1912)
1911882 559032 Iris setosa Pallas ex Link
W.R. Dykes, Iris: p. 92, t. 23 (1912)
2137541 246950 Cirsium setosum (Willd.) Besser ex M. Bieb. [181 941372 Serratula setosa Willd.]
J.G. Gmelin, Fl. Sibir., vol. 2 : t. 22 (1749)
21662844 95279 Arundinella setosa species Trin.
B. Hayata, Icon. Pl. Formos., vol. 7 : p. 67, fig. 35 (1918)
2170602 36440 Albuca setosa Jacq.
N.J. von Jacquin, Collectanea, vol. 5 (Supplementum): p. 100, t. 14, fig. 3 (1796) [N.J. Jacquin]
4698481 823371 Polygonum setosum Jacq.
H.F. de Jaubert, E. Spach, Ill. Pl. Orient., vol. 2 : t. 125 (1844)
4084315 364003 Dryopteris setosa (Thunb.) Akas. [116 826594 Polypodium setosum Thunb.]
G.H. von Langsdorff, F.E.L. von Fischer, Pl. Voy. Russes Monde: t. 17 (1810)
3849552 356639 Dorstenia setosa Moric.
M.E. Moricand, Pl. Nouv. Amer., vol. 7 : t. 64 (1841)
23457212 1134348 Corymbia setosa species (Schauer) K.D.Hill & L.A.S.Johnson [12 1134348 Corymbia setosa species (Schauer) K.D.Hill & L.A.S.Johnson]
F.J.H. von Mueller [Müller], Eucalyptographia: t. 58 (1879-1884)
4808402 36440 Albuca setosa Jacq.
H.G.L. Reichenbach, Fl. Exot., vol. 1 : t. 55 (1834)
4830082 287202 Crepis setosa Haller f.
H.G.L. Reichenbach, Icon. Fl. Germ. Helv., vol. 19(1): (Die Cichoriaceen, Ambrosiaceen, Campanulaceen, Lobeliaceen dazu die Cucurbitaceen der deutschen Flora ): t. 1435, fig. 1 (1860) [H.G. Reichenbach]
1909875 942891 Setaria italica (L.) P. Beauv. [116 744258 Panicum italicum L.]
C.B. Trinius, Sp. Gram., vol. 1 : (1823) [W.G. Pape]
1909885 942891 Setaria italica (L.) P. Beauv. [116 744258 Panicum italicum L.]
C.B. Trinius, Sp. Gram., vol. 1 : (1823) [W.G. Pape]
1909126 763138 Pennisetum polystachion (L.) Schultes [0]
C.B. Trinius, Sp. Gram., vol. 1 : (1823) [W.G. Pape]
20121047 473591 Gomphocarpus fruticosus (L.) Aiton f. [181 96770 Asclepias setosa Forssk.]
M. Vahl, Symb. Bot. (Vahl), vol. 1 : p. 23, t. 8 (1790)
1903116 943184 Setaria setosa (Sw.) P. Beauv. [125 745954 Panicum setosum Sw.]
Grasses of the Southwest (= Illustrations of North American grasses vol. 1) , vol. 1(1): : t. 5 ()
2013722 943184 Setaria setosa (Sw.) P. Beauv. [80 745954 Panicum setosum Sw.]
G. Vasey, C. Richardson, Agric. Grass. U.S.: p. 42, t. 17 (1884) [Marx]
2315706 287202 Crepis setosa Haller f.
F. de Paula Adam von Waldstein, P. Kitaibel, Descr. Icon. Pl. Hung., vol. 1 : t. 43 (1799) [J. Schütz]
3112742 716394 Onosma setosa Ledeb.
B. Maund, Bot. Gard., vol. 8 : t. 188, fig. 3 (1839) [S. Maund]
3105636 559032 Iris setosa Pallas ex Link
B. Maund, Bot. Gard., vol. 9 : t. 198, fig. 1 (1841) [Mills]
29484547 473591 Gomphocarpus fruticosus (L.) Aiton f. [181 96770 Asclepias setosa Forssk.]
P. Alpino, J. Vesling, De plantis Aegypti liber, editio altera emendatior: (1640)
1693392 943184 Setaria setosa (Sw.) P. Beauv. [80 745954 Panicum setosum Sw.]
A. Stahl, Estud. Fl. Puerto-Rico: (1883-1888) [A. Stahl]
18404612 495086 Haworthia arachnoidea (L.) Duval [12 495086 Haworthia arachnoidea (L.) Duval]
J.M.F.A.H.I. Salm-Reifferscheidt-Dyck [Salm-Dyck], Aloes Mesembr., vol. 1 (Aloe): , fig. 12.3 (1849)
2390152 641689 Maoutia setosa Wedd.
Arch. Mus. Hist. Nat. Paris, vol. 9 : t. 16, fig. B 9 (1856) [H.A. Weddell]
2197612 379731 Elleanthus setosus Schltr.
F.R.R. Schlechter, Fig.-Atlas Orch.-Fl. Kordill.-St.: t. 133, fig. 523 (1929)
2256022 379731 Elleanthus setosus Schltr.
Icones Plantarum Tropicarum, 2nd series: t. 320 ()
2459462 643277 Margyricarpus setosus Ruiz & Pavon
M. Barnas-Pomeroy, C.F.J. Barnas, Wildflowers and landscapes of Ecuador - The way we knew it fasicle P, : t. 7 (2014) [M. Barnas-Pomeroy]
28360816 163164 Bulbinella nutans (Thunb.) T.Durand & Schinz [117 69031 Anthericum nutans Thunb.]
I.B. Pole-Evans, E.P. Phillips, R.A. Dyer, L.E. Codd, Fl. Pl. S. Afr., vol. 24 : t. 930 (1944) [Burges]
2836742 36440 Albuca setosa Jacq.
I.B. Pole-Evans, E.P. Phillips, R.A. Dyer, L.E. Codd, Fl. Pl. S. Afr., vol. 26 : t. 1022 (1947) [Gower]
2877842 502538 Helichrysum setosum Harvey
Ill. S. Afr. Flora: () [M.C. Fawkes]
2875976 36440 Albuca setosa Jacq.
Ill. S. Afr. Flora: () [M.C. Fawkes]
2878642 36440 Albuca setosa Jacq.
Ill. S. Afr. Flora: () [M.C. Fawkes]
6 36440 Albuca setosa Jacq.
Ill. S. Afr. Flora: () [M.C. Fawkes]
2879356 36440 Albuca setosa Jacq.
Ill. S. Afr. Flora: () [M.C. Fawkes]
2901602 368558 Echeveria setosa Rose & Purpus
Wild Fl. World: t. 157, fig. D () [B. Everard]
2903256 36440 Albuca setosa Jacq.
C. Letty, Wild Fl. Transvaal: p. 35, t. 17, fig. 1 (1962) [C. Letty]
2919262 367172 Dysoxylum setosum (Span.) Miq. [80 385293 Epicharis setosa Span.]
W. Cooper, W.T. Cooper, Fruits Austral. Trop. Rainforest: p. 291, fig. 4 (2004) [W.T. Cooper]
2922552 599215 Lethedon setosa (C.T. White) Kosterm. [80 1250424 Microsemma setosa C.T. White]
W. Cooper, W.T. Cooper, Fruits Austral. Trop. Rainforest: p. 540, fig. 2 (2004) [W.T. Cooper]
31963847 473591 Gomphocarpus fruticosus (L.) Aiton f. [181 96770 Asclepias setosa Forssk.]
Ann. Sci. Nat., Bot., sér. 2, vol. 9 : t. 11, fig. D 1,2 (1838) [n.a.]
511268270275 Conostylis setosa Lindl.
Ellis Rowan, Flower & Bird paintings: , fig. 1 (1870-1921)
3228382 181616 Calonyction pavonii (Choisy) Hallier f. [80 557060 Ipomoea pavonii Choisy]
Bull. Herb. Boissier, vol. 5 : t. 18, fig. 1 (1897) [M. Kromohardjo]
3228782 181616 Calonyction pavonii (Choisy) Hallier f. [80 557060 Ipomoea pavonii Choisy]
Bull. Herb. Boissier, vol. 5 : t. 17, fig. 4,5 (1897) [M. Kromohardjo]
322879xx 557293 Ipomoea setosa Ker Gawl. [80 181605 Calonyction campanulatum Hallier f.]
Bull. Herb. Boissier, vol. 5 : t. 18, fig. 2 (1897) [M. Kromohardjo]
3398156 256796 Clidemia setosa (Triana) Gleason [125 1235926 Calophysa setosa Triana]
M. Sessé, M. Mociño, Draw. Roy. Exped. New Spain: [Hunt instutute, Turner collection no. 0820] (1787-1803)
3424122 372053 Echinopterys setosa Brandegee
W.R. Anderson, C. Anderson, C.C. Davis, W. R. Anderson, C. Anderson, and C. C. Davis. Malpighiaceae. : t. 13, fig. N (2006) [K. Douthit]
3547026 763138 Pennisetum polystachion (L.) Schultes [0]
P.C. Standley, J.A. Steyermark, Fl. Guatemala, vol. 2 : p. 299, fig. 80 (1946-1977)
3564672 256796 Clidemia setosa (Triana) Gleason [80 1235926 Calophysa setosa Triana]
P.C. Standley, J.A. Steyermark, Fl. Guatemala, vol. 7(4): : p. 438, fig. 65 (1946-1977) [S.H. Grove]
3580095 1134348 Corymbia setosa (Schauer) K.D.Hill & L.A.S.Johnson [116 411359 Eucalyptus setosa Schauer]
Ferdinand Bauer, Austral. Bot. Draw.: p. 117, t. 57 ()
3645441134348 Corymbia setosa (Schauer) K.D.Hill & L.A.S.Johnson
Arq. Serv. Florest., vol. 2 : t. 12, fig. C (1946)
3783432 270275 Conostylis setosa Lindl.
J. Lindley, Sketch Veg. Swan R.: t. 6, fig. A (1839)
4484412 581150 Lactuca setosa Stebbins ex C.Jeffrey
Kew Bull., vol. 18(): : p. 443 (1964-1966) [M. Grierson]
4493622 887909 Rosularia setosa Bywater
Kew Bull., vol. 34(): : p. 404, fig. 1A-M (1979-1980) [M. Bywater]
4528712 1501647 Ochthocharis setosa C.Hansen & Wickens [0]
Kew Bull., vol. 36(): : p. 17, fig. 1E (1981-1882) [M. Bywater]
4213882 287202 Crepis setosa Haller f.
A. Fiori, G. Paoletti, Iconogr. Fl. Ital.: p. 483, t. 3828, fig. 8 (1895-1904)
4198062 702695 Nonea setosa Roemer & Schultes
A. Fiori, G. Paoletti, Iconogr. Fl. Ital.: p. 343, t. 2782, fig. 2 (1895-1904)
4602916 513126 Hibiscus macrophyllus Roxb. ex Hornem.
W. Roxburgh, Icones Roxburgianae (Kew): t. 1271 (1780-1815)
4593806 312808 Cyphostemma setosum (Roxb.) Alston [125 248425 Cissus setosa Roxb.]
W. Roxburgh, Icones Roxburgianae (Kew): t. 542 (1780-1815)
W. Roxburgh, Icones Roxburgianae (Kew): t. 1791 (1780-1815)
4655066 312808 Cyphostemma setosum (Roxb.) Alston [125 248425 Cissus setosa Roxb.]
W. Roxburgh, Icones Roxburgianae (India): t. 542 (1780-1815)
W. Roxburgh, Icones Roxburgianae (India): t. 1791 (1780-1815)
4656496 513126 Hibiscus macrophyllus Roxb. ex Hornem.
W. Roxburgh, Icones Roxburgianae (India): t. 1271 (1780-1815)
4691436 287202 Crepis setosa Haller f.
E.B. Babcock, Genus Crepis (1947): p. 877, fig. 290 (1948)
4691452 287202 Crepis setosa Haller f.
E.B. Babcock, Genus Crepis (1947): , fig. 292 (1948)
46914658 287202 Crepis setosa Haller f.
E.B. Babcock, Genus Crepis (1947): , fig. 293 (1948)
4691476 287202 Crepis setosa Haller f.
E.B. Babcock, Genus Crepis (1947): p. 887, fig. 294 (1948)
4707992 508153 Heracleum setosum Lapeyr.
Fig. Fl. Pyrénées, inedit.: t. 81 ()
Mém. Acad. Roy. Sci. Hist. Fréderic Guillaume II-III (Berlin), vol. 1803(): : t. 1, fig. 1 (1805)
Arundinella setosa Trin.
K.M. Matthew, Ill. Fl. Palni Hills: t. 786 (1996)