Cyclopogon peruvianus (C. Presl) Schltr. [ Spiranthes spiranthoides (Schltr.) Garay & Dunst.]
Dunsterville, G.C.K., Garay, L.A., Venezuelan orchids illustrated (1959-1972)
Venez. Orchids Ill.

vol. 6

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Cyclopogon peruvianus (C. Presl) Schltr.

name cited:
Spiranthes spiranthoides (Schltr.) Garay & Dunst.
name cited (basionym):
Cyclopogon spiranthoides Schltr.
name recognized:
Cyclopogon peruvianus (C. Presl) Schltr.
name recognized (basionym):
Spiranthes peruviana C. Presl
family: Orchidaceae
subfamily: Spiranthoideae
tribe: Cranichideae
subtribe: Spiranthinae
epithet cited: spiranthoides

epithet recognized: peruvianus,-a,-um

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Illustration contributed by:
Swiss Orchid Foundation at the Herbarium Jany Renz. Botanical Institute, University of Basel, Switzerland
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contact about this record homotypic synonyms:
Spiranthes peruviana C. Presl;
heterotypic synonyms:
Beadlea peruviana (C. Presl) Garay; Cyclopogon maderoi Schltr.; Cyclopogon minutiflorus (Kuntze) Schltr.; Cyclopogon spiranthoides Schltr.; Gyrostachys minutiflora Kuntze; Gyrostachys peruviana (C. Presl) Kuntze; Spiranthes minutiflora Rchb.f.; Spiranthes reichenbachiana Garay & Dunst.; Spiranthes spiranthoides (Schltr.) Garay & Dunst.;
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