Commiphora myrrha (Nees) Engl. [ Balsamodendrum myrrha T.Nees]
Botanische wandplaten
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Commiphora myrrha (Nees) Engl.

name cited:
Balsamodendrum myrrha T.Nees
name recognized:
Commiphora myrrha (Nees) Engl.
name recognized (basionym):
Balsamodendrum myrrha T.Nees
family: Burseraceae
tribe: Bursereae
epithet: myrrhus,-a,-um

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Stichting Academisch Erfgoed/, the Netherlands
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6 267761 Commiphora myrrha (Nees) Engl. [80 1084442 Balsamodendrum myrrha T.Nees]
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