Cyclamen persicum Miller
Mc Donnald, D., Sweet scented flowers and fragant leaves (1895)

t. 3
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Cyclamen persicum Miller

name cited:
Cyclamen persicum Miller
name recognized:
Cyclamen persicum Miller
family: Primulaceae
tribe: Cyclamineae
epithet: persicus,-a,-um

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heterotypic synonyms:
Cyclamen albidum Jord.; Cyclamen aleppicum Fischer ex Hoffmanns.; Cyclamen antiochium Decne.; Cyclamen hederaceum Sieber ex Steudel; Cyclamen latifolium Sm.; Cyclamen punicum Pomel; Cyclamen pyrolifolium Salisb.; Cyclamen tunetanum Jord.; Cyclamen utopicum Hoffmanns.; Cyclamen vernale Miller;
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2 303023 Cyclamen persicum Miller
D. Mc Donnald, Sweet scented flowers and fragant leaves: t. 3 (1895)