Meconopsis cambrica Vig.
Smith, J.E., English botany, or coloured figures of British plants, ed. 3 [B] [J.E. Sowerby et al] (1863-1899)
Engl. Bot., ed. 3

vol. 1 (1863)
t. 63
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Meconopsis cambrica Vig.

name cited:
Meconopsis cambrica Vig.
name recognized:
Meconopsis cambrica Vig.
family: Papaveraceae
subfamily: Papaveroideae
epithet: cambricus,-a,-um

Illustration contributed by:
New York Botanical Garden, U.S.A.
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heterotypic synonyms:
Argemone cambrica (L.) Desf.; Papaver cambricum L.; Stylophorum cambricum (L.) Sprengel;
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2 650311 Meconopsis cambrica Vig.
J.E. Smith, Engl. Bot., ed. 3, vol. 1 : t. 63 (1863)