Gould, monograph of the Trochilidae, or family of humming-birds
Monogr. Trochilidae
vol. 3
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Gymnocalycium gibbosum (Haw.) Pfeiff. ex Mittler
name cited:
Echinocactus leeanus Hook.
name recognized:
Gymnocalycium gibbosum (Haw.) Pfeiff. ex Mittler name recognized (basionym):
Cactus gibbosus Haw.
J. Gould
J. Gould
Cactaceaesubfamily: Cactoideae
tribe: Cacteae
epithet cited:
epithet recognized:
Illustration contributed by:
Smithsonian Institute, Washington, D.C., U.S.A.
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homotypic synonyms:
Cactus gibbosus Haw.; Cereus gibbosus (Haw.) Sweet;
Echinocactus gibbosus (Haw.) DC.;
Echinocactus gibbosus f. nobilis (Haw.) Schelle;
Echinocactus gibbosus var. nobilis (Haw.) Schumann;
heterotypic synonyms:
Cactus reductus Link;
Cereus gibbosus Pfeiff.;
Echinocactus brachypetalus (Speg.) Werderm.;
Echinocactus leeanus Hook.;
Echinocactus leucodictyus Salm-Dyck;
Echinocactus mackieanus Hook.;
Echinocactus reductus Schumann;
Echinocactus spegazzinii F.A.C.Weber ex Speg.;
Echinopsis gibbosa Pfeiff. ex C.F.Först.;
Gymnocalycium brachypetalum Speg.;
Gymnocalycium chubutense (Speg.) Speg.;
Gymnocalycium leeanum (Hook.) Britton & Rose;
Gymnocalycium mackieanum (Hook.) Metzing, Mereg. & R.Kiesling;
Gymnocalycium reductum (Link) Pfeiff. ex Mittler;