Ceropegia elegans Wall.
garden. An illustrated weekly journal of horticulture (1872-1927)
The Garden

vol. 18 (1880)

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Ceropegia elegans Wall.

name cited:
Ceropegia elegans Wall.
name recognized:
Ceropegia elegans Wall.
family: Asclepiadaceae
subfamily: Asclepioideae
tribe: Stapelieae
epithet: elegans

Illustration contributed by:
University of Massachusetts Amherst Libraries, U.S.A.
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heterotypic synonyms:
Ceropegia gardneri Hook.; Ceropegia ledgeri N.E. Br.; Ceropegia mysorensis Wight; Ceropegia similis N.E. Br.; Ceropegia sphenanantha Wight & Arn.; Ceropegia sphenanthera Decne.; Ceropegia walkerae Wight;
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