Arctotheca populifolia (P. Bergius) Norl. [ Microstephium niveum (L.f.) Less.]
North, M., Paintings
Paintings M. North

t. 813 f. 2
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Arctotheca populifolia (P. Bergius) Norl.

binominal name:
Microstephium niveum (L.f.) Less.
binominal name (basionym):
name recognized:
Arctotheca populifolia (P. Bergius) Norl.
name recognized (basionym):

cited non-linnean name:
Plants of the Sandy-shore at Port Alfred South Africa

drawing: M. North
epithet cited: niveus,-a,-um

epithet recognized: populifolius,-a,-um

Copyright reserved. Royal Botanical Gardens, Kew, U.K.
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contact about this record homotypic synonyms:
Arctotis populifolia P. Bergius;
heterotypic synonyms:
Arctotheca nivea (L.f.); Arctotis nivea (G.Nicholson) K.Lewin; Arctotis verbascifolia Harvey; Cryptostemma niveum ; Microstephium niveum (L.f.) Less.; Microstephium populifolium (P.J.Bergius) Druce; Osteospermum niveum L.f.;