Eulophia speciosa (R. Br.) Bolus [ Lissochilus speciosus R. Br.]
Pole Evans, I.B., Flowering plants of (South) Africa (1922)
Fl. Pl. Afr.

vol. 5 (1925)
t. 168
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Eulophia speciosa (R. Br.) Bolus

name cited:
Lissochilus speciosus R. Br.
name recognized:
Eulophia speciosa (R. Br.) Bolus
name recognized (basionym):
Lissochilus speciosus R. Br.
drawing: S. Gower
family: Orchidaceae
subfamily: Epidendroideae
tribe: Cymbidieae
subtribe: Cyrtopodiinae
epithet: speciosus,-a,-um

Illustration contributed by:
South African National Biodiversity Institute, Pretoria, South Africa
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contact about this record homotypic synonyms:
Lissochilus speciosus R. Br.;
heterotypic synonyms:
Cymbidium giganteum (L.f.) Sw.; Cyrtopera gigantea (L.f.) Lindl.; Epidendrum giganteum (L.f.) Poiret; Eulophia austrooccidentalis Sölch; Eulophia brevisepala (Rendle) Summerh.; Eulophia caloptera (Rchb.f.) Summerh.; Eulophia coutreziana Geerinck; Eulophia dispersa N.E. Br.; Eulophia granitica (Rchb. f.) Butzin; Eulophia granitica (Rchb.f.) Cufod.; Eulophia homblei (De Wild.) Butzin; Eulophia leucantha (Kraenzl.) Sölch; Eulophia sapinii De Wild.; Eulophia volkensii (Rolfe) Butzin; Eulophia wakefieldii (Rchb.f. & S.Moore) Summerh.; Limodorum giganteum (L.f.) Thunb.; Lissochilus brevisepalus Rendle; Lissochilus calopterus Rchb.f.; Lissochilus dispersus (N.E. Br.) Rolfe; Lissochilus graniticus Rchb.f.; Lissochilus hereroensis Kraenzl.; Lissochilus homblei De Wild.; Lissochilus leucanthus Kraenzl.; Lissochilus rendlei Rolfe; Lissochilus sapinii De Wild.; Lissochilus volkensii Rolfe; Lissochilus wakefieldii Rchb.f. & S.Moore; Satyrium giganteum L.f.;

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