Echinocactus platyacanthus Link & Otto [ Echinocactus helophorus Lemaire]
Rhind, W., history of the vegetable kingdom, new ed. (1855)
Hist. Veg. Kingd.

t. 12 f. 13
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Echinocactus platyacanthus Link & Otto

name cited:
Echinocactus helophorus Lemaire
name recognized:
Echinocactus platyacanthus Link & Otto
drawing: W.H. Fitch
engraving/lithography: T.G. Flowers
family: Cactaceae
subfamily: Cactoideae
tribe: Cacteae
epithet cited: helophorus,-a,-um

epithet recognized: platyacanthus,-a,-um

Illustration contributed by:
Wellcome Museum and Library, London, U.K.
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heterotypic synonyms:
Copiapoa macracantha (Salm-Dyck) Meregalli; Echinocactus arachnoideus Scheidw.; Echinocactus aulacogonus Lemaire; Echinocactus edulis Haage ex C.F.Först.; Echinocactus ghiesbreghtianus Lemaire; Echinocactus grandis Rose; Echinocactus helophorus Lemaire; Echinocactus ingens Zucc. ex Pfeiff.; Echinocactus irroratus Scheidw.; Echinocactus karwinskii Zucc. ex Pfeiff.; Echinocactus macracanthus Salm-Dyck; Echinocactus macracanthus Vriese; Echinocactus minax Lemaire; Echinocactus oligacanthus Mart. ex Pfeiff.; Echinocactus palmeri Rose; Echinocactus platyceras Lemaire; Echinocactus saltillensis Poselg.; Echinocactus tuberculatus Link & Otto; Echinocactus visnaga Hook.; Echinocactus viznaga Hook.; Echinofossulocactus helophorus (Lemaire) Lawr.; Echinofossulocactus karwinskianus Lawr.; Echinofossulocactus macracanthus (Salm-Dyck) Lawr.; Echinofossulocactus platyceras (Lemaire) Lawr.; Melocactus platyacanthus Link & Otto; Melocactus tuberculatus Link & Otto;
no full size  illustration available (3a)