Dracaena draco (L.) L.
Iwasaki, T., Honzo zufu (1916-1921)
Honzo zufu

vol. 78 (1830-1844)

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Dracaena draco (L.) L.

name cited:
Dracaena draco (L.) L.
name cited (basionym):
Asparagus draco L.
name recognized:
Dracaena draco (L.) L.
name recognized (basionym):

J.W. Weinmann, Phytanthoza iconogr., vol. 4 : t. 785, fig. a (1745) [unsigned]

family: Agavaceae
subfamily: Dracenoideae
epithet: draco

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Illustration contributed by:
The Library of Congress, U.S.A.
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homotypic synonyms:
Asparagus draco L.; Palma draco (L.) Mill.; Yucca draco (L.) Carrière;
heterotypic synonyms:
Dracaena resinifera Salisb.; Draco arbor Garsault; Draco clusii Crantz; Draco clusii Crantz; Draco draco (L.) Linding.; Draco dragonalis Crantz; Draco yuciformis ;
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